Chapter 3. ~How was Work? Absolute Crap.~

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9:28 AM

"Are you Ms. Y/N L/N?" A woman asks as I approach her desk.

"Yes." I nod, clutching my stuff to my chest. I had brought my laptop, unsure if I was going to need it, and I had to put it under my thick coat as it had started snowing and raining on my way here.

"Twelfth floor, office one." She nods toward the elevator.

"Thank you." I say, then head towards it. The doors slide open, and I step in. I press the button that'll take me to the twelfth floor, and the elevator ascends.

I'm not incredibly happy about working here, seeing as all I'm going to be doing is sitting at my desk doing paperwork, but it pays well, and I don't have any other options.

Eventually, after what feels like ages, the elevator stops, and the doors open again. I step out and spot office one immediately, then slide inside. It's warm, so I slip my coat off after setting my laptop down, and I hang my coat up on the coat rack.

My office is nice. It reminds me of a waiting room in a hospital. Four chairs line the right wall, a window sits at the back wall, which I'm not too happy about, as I don't like heights, and I'm twelve floors up, and a desk sits in the middle. A comfy office chair is tucked neatly into the desk, and I roll it out, then sit down. I have to adjust the height on the chair, but eventually, I sit down and just... Sit there.

I work for some big company that runs in the heart of Denver. Luckily, Starlight Springs, the town I live in, is only an hour away from the big city. All I'm supposed to do is sit here until I either get a call, a client, or someone brings in some paperwork for me to file. It's relatively boring, but it's almost impossible to get fired from, because I hardly do anything.

I decide to open Discord. I know Fell isn't available; he said so last night. But I find myself reading through the conversations we had, and halfway through, I start to smile.

We had talked and talked about the most random bullshit. I ranted for about fifteen minutes just how badly I want to move to Germany, and I laugh quietly at the things he had said in reply. He seems like a nice guy once you get to know him.

I think I'm starting to get him to open up, too. There was a point at around two AM where he had started talking about how pathetic he feels sometimes. According to him, he's surrounded by jerks who would literally kill to get to the top of the ranks, and some have actually done so. He went on and on about how his brother points out all of his weak spots, saying he's trying to 'toughen him up', but Fell feels like he's just being rude for the sake of being rude. I really start to feel bad for him.

I jump to four AM, where him and I talked on and on about cheese. I don't even know how it happened. I had brought up the fact that I hate Swiss, and then this long ass conversation about the different types of cheese, how they're all different, how they're all made, and something about goat cheese just randomly started.

I giggle to myself as the conversation turns to him talking about how much he hates ketchup. He ranted for so long about how shitty it is, and I giggle again. I prop my head up on one hand as I reach the conversations we had at five AM.

We talked about my life, his life, his brother, Riley, mostly just about each other during this time, before I told him I had to sleep at around five forty-five AM.

I shut my laptop and stare at the window as snow begins to fall.


"Liz didn't tell me the new employee on floor twelve was hot."

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now