Chapter 29. ~A Little Tour.~

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12:25 PM

"Hiiiiiii~" Fell purrs as I pick up the call. "Damn, it's weird not usin' Discord, heh."

I giggle. "Hi."

"Ya ready for the tour?"


"Alright." He looks around for a moment, then flips his camera so I'm staring at his feet. He lifts the camera, revealing a gorgeous, snowy forest. I can almost smell the sweet scent of pine through the screen. "The beginning of Snowdin Forest." He turns, showing me a large, dark red, cracked, stone door. "I dunno what's on the other side of that, but I know someone lives there. I heard voices once."

"It's beautiful." I say.

"It- It's just a door-????"

"No, you goof." I laugh. "The forest. It's beautiful."

"Oh." He turns back towards the forest. "Heh, yeah, I could see it. I've lived here so long, though, it's just kinda... A forest to me. C'mon." He pauses. "Why the fuck am I tellin' ya to come on? Yer not here-"

I giggle again, and he walks through the snow.

"Uh, we might run into Doggo, but I'm hopin' to avoid him- I didn't tell Papyrus about the tour, and Doggo doesn't know about us, which would... Well, let's put it this way. He hates humans more than Papyrus does."

"What happened to Doggo being your brother's top search dog?"

"Oh, he is." He chuckles. "He's a talking, very vicious dog, but he's a dog."

"So... Goats, skeletons, and dogs?" I say. "Any other types of monsters I should know of?"

"Uhhhh, fish, whatever the fuck MK is, lizards, more dogs, a robot..." He trails off.

"Who is MK? You keep mentioning him."

"MK is short for Monster Kid. I think he's supposed to be fuckin' Alphys' offspring- Not really, he's just- He's a lizard, like her, only he doesn't have arms. He's good mocking material."

"Oh." I pause. "Fish?"

"Undyne." He turns. "Aaaand this is my sentry station."

"...Why do you have a lamp."

He chuckles. "I found that in the garbage dump in Waterfall once, and when I put it outside my station, Doggo thought it was a human. I moved it usin' magic, and since he can only see movement, he thought it was a human and tried to kill it-"

I giggle. "He doesn't seem very bright."

"Oh, he's the dumbest dog in the Underground, except maybe Lesser, but he's all fluff and no brains. Doggo at least has a brain, he just doesn't know how to use it." He walks a little ways, then stops. "This is Box Road. It's got a box. That's... About it."

"What'sin the box?"

"Dunno. It's sum interdimensional box. Watch." He chuckles, then opens the small, red box to the side of the pathway. He picks a stick up off the ground and puts it in. "Now just wait 'til we get to Waterfall."

Suddenly, a low growl sounds from the side, and Fell growls back. A large dog launches itself out of the bushes and tackles Fell. The phone skids to the side, and I manage to catch a glimpse of Fell being practically mauled to death by the dog.

"Fell?" I start to panic. "Fell? Fell, are you alright?"


I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now