Chapter 10. ~Freedom! Or... Not.~

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Fell POV


7:43 PM

I end the call instantly, slamming my laptop shut and getting up. I could've sworn I saw a silhouette.

"Who's there?" I growl, summoning a bone in my hand as I stalk towards the bushes. They rustle, and I tense.

A human? I think, the blood in my head pounding. Could this be our ticket to freedom?

Something sticks out of the bushes; a dagger. I ready a Gaster Blaster just in case...

...And then Doggo pops out.

The blaster dissipates, and I turn back to my station with a sigh.

"Watch where yer aimin' that thing, Sans." Doggo growls lowly.

My fists clench as I sit down at my station. "I thought you were a human."

He howls with laughter. "Do those red eyes of yers need checkin', Sans?" He sneers.

"No." I hiss, glaring at him.

"Maybe they do." He grips his dagger handle tightly. "You would've been able to see that I wasn't a human from a mile away."

I slam my hands on the smooth, wooden surface, and I stand up, a blaster forming. "Leave me alone, Doggo."

He chuckles lowly, pulling his lips back in a sneer, revealing glinting, white, canine teeth. "So you can go back to slackin' off?" He stalks toward me, fur rippling as he leans against the surface of the station. His claws dig into the wood with a loud screech. "I've been nice enough to not tell the boss that you've been slackin' off, but talk back to me again..." He nicks my cheek with his claw, drawing blood. "I'll spill the beans faster than you can blink, Sans."

He pulls away, then runs off into the forest. I let out a soft growl and blow a nearby bush to smithereens with a blaster out of anger. I slam my head on the station's surface, which has been shredded by Doggo's claws, and I fall asleep.




2:44 AM

Fell: hey.

Me: ........

Fell: ?

Me: where the hell have you been

Fell: uh...


Fell: ...yeah, i know.

Fell: i have a lot fo explainin' to do

Me: damn right you do.

Fell: um

Fell: i left so quickly the other day bc i thought i had seen someone.

Fell: i thought we could get out of here...

Fell: i thought i could... do somethin' right for once.

Fell: but it was jst doggo

Me: "Doggo"????

Fell: one of our bes tracking dogs, to put it simply.

Fell: anyway

Fell: i got mad at him and he told me he'd tell my brothe that ive been slackin' off

Fell: so after he left, i fell alseep, and i woke up to my brother staring down at me disapoointently

Fell: needless to say i was shoved into his garage/shed thing for the past couple days as "punishment"

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now