Chapter 2. ~A Little Bit About My Life.~

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8:05 AM


My eyes fly open as I hear Riley yell. I look over and see her standing beside my bed, frowning.

"Good grief!" She scoffs. "I've been trying to wake you for the past five minutes!"

I grumble something inaudible and roll onto my side. She pokes me, and I snap.

"Leave me alone!" I snarl. "You may want to wake up at the crack of dawn to do your exercises, and then eat breakfast, and then shower, and go to work, but I don't! I want to lie in bed like a normal person and sleep! So just go do your shit and leave me alone."

"...I'm just trying to help." Her voice is quiet, and I feel a ping of guilt in my soul. "I didn't mean to make you mad, I just..."

I sigh. "No, it's fine." I sit up and rub my eyes. "I'm just cranky. I'm sorry, Riley. I've been so on edge recently."


...Because you've been sticking your nose into my business. I think, but don't dare to speak it aloud. "Just trying to find someone that'll hire me."

"I'm sure you'll find someone if you look harder." She heads towards my bedroom door. "Oh, and if you go out, let me know where, k?"

I suppress a growl. "..Fine. Sure. Whatever."

"Cool." She opens the door, then pauses. "...Y/N, who's Fell?"

I freeze. "What-?"

"Who's Fell?" She repeats.

"...How do you know Fell-?" I ask. "You- You aren't in that server-"

"I saw your DMs."

My fists clench so tightly, and the nails break through the skin. "...He's nobody. Just someone I talked to once."

"Well, I just want to make sure he isn't hurting you." She leaves the room, and I exhale. I rest my head against my pillow, resisting the urge to punch Riley in the face.

Suddenly, I hear a small ping come from my laptop, and I unplug it. I pull it onto my lap and open it.


8:08 AM

Fell: hey

Fell: my brother has night duty

Fell: and i'm bored as hell

Me: ...

Me: hey

Fell: hey

Fell: you seem depressed

Me: howcould you tell

Fell: just the "..." and the fact that you didn't snap at me for buggin' ya at what's probably fuckin' 3 AM for you

Me: it's 8 Am actually and i just woke up because of my roommate

Fell: ew roommates

Fell: they suck get rid of her

Me: what time is it for you-?

Fell: fuckin'

Fell: uh

Fell: 2 AM

Me: oh-

Me: do you live in fuckin' australia

Fell: possibly

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now