Chapter 15. ~Parents.~

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8:31 AM

"Y/N!" My mother exclaims as soon as I'm downstairs.

"H-Hi, mom..." I say awkwardly. "Um..." I gently untangle myself from her arms. "Come on in."

My dad and mom both walk into the house; thank goodness they didn't bring my brother. They both sit down on the couch, Riley sits in her chair, and I lean against the wall.

"So how are you?" My mom asks me.

"I'm good." I shrug. "I guess."

"I didn't know Riley was living with you."

I shrug again. "She moved in not too long ago."

"I'm glad to see you two getting in touch with each other again."

I rub my forehead, not wanting to deal with my parents right now.

"You have a very nice house." My mom says, looking around.

"Thanks." I stuff my hands in my pockets. Riley looks at me, probably trying to telepathically tell me to have better posture, and I'm this close to sticking the middle finger up at her. "So... Anything new with y'all?" I have to force every word out.

"No, not really." My mom leans against the back of the couch. "Your brother's doing well."

I don't care. I think. I just want to go back to talking with Fell. I pause. ...Not that he wants to talk to me, probably.

"So how's work?" My mom snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Fine." I shrug once again. "Everything's fine, mom."

"You sound angry."

"I just don't know why you came here. I was in the middle of something."

"Oh. Well we just wanted to see how you're doing." She looks at my dad, then back at me. "We haven't spoken since you moved out, and I just wanted to check up on you."

"...I don't need to be checked up on." I grit my teeth. "I'm doing perfectly fine on my own."

"Last I checked, you needed me to help pay the bills because you got fired." Riley crosses her arms and looks at me, probably still pissed about the fight we had. I give her a glare, yet she goes on, anyway. "So how is that 'doing perfectly fine on your own'?"

"Shut up." I hiss.

"You got fired?" My mom asks.

"I have a new job now." I mutter. "It was a tiny setback, but I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"She's been talking to this guy online." Riley says, and I want to punch her in the nose again. "His name's Fell, and he's a jerk."

My mom gives me the stupidest look ever, and I want to punch her, too. "Y/N?"

"Who I talk to is none of your motherfucking business." I snap, then instantly regret getting angry, because I know my parents hate swearing with their hearts and souls. I look away, feeling like I've been disobedient and now I'm going to be grounded.

Instead, my mom just looks at me, and I see disappointment in her eyes. She shakes her head and looks at my dad.

"...I'm sorry." I mumble. "I didn't mean to snap. Or swear. I'm just... Angry..."

"Why?" My mom asks.

"...I wasn't prepared for your visit, and I'm tired, and stressed, and I just want to be alone." I walk upstairs without another word and lock myself in my room. I pull my laptop onto my lap and open Discord.

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now