Chapter 37. ~A Relaxing Day Off, or Not.~

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Fell POV


9:21 AM

I crack open an eye socket as I roll over. I spot Y/N curled up against my side, and I smile, wrapping an arm around her gently. She mumbles something softly and turns, burying her head in my jacket. She wraps her arms around me tightly, smiling slightly. She mumbles 'Fluffy Asshole' sleepily, then yawns and slips back into sleep.

"I love you." I whisper, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She smiles more and murmurs something inaudible. I brush the hair out of her face gently, then kiss her forehead again. She lets go of me and rolls back over, and I press my ribs to her back as I pull her against me.

"Mnm... I love you too..." She murmurs sleepily, pulling the blanket over her head. "Five more minutes..."

I chuckle. "Alright, sweetheart."

I grab the chain connected to the collar around her neck, and I smile more, knowing she's mine. I kiss the side of her neck, and she opens her eyes, blushing.

"Whoops." I give her a tiny grin. "Good mornin' sweetheart."

"Mmm, hi." She rolls over and kisses me. "Good morning, Fell."

"I love ya." I kiss her back.

"I love you too." She rolls me onto my back and curls up on my chest. I stroke the top of her head, and she smiles.

"Anythin' ya wanna do today, hun?" I ask.

"Cuddle." She mumbles.

"Heh, we can do that." I kiss the top of her head. "Ya want breakfast or anythin'?"

She shakes her head. "No. Just cuddles."

I chuckle. "Alrighty."

She slips my jacket off and wraps it around herself, and I kiss the top of her head. She mumbles something and closes her eyes. I put the blankets over us as she falls asleep again.




12:40 PM

I walk downstairs, smelling something cooking. Fell is on the couch, looking bored, and I'm guessing Papyrus is in the kitchen. Fell spots me, and I hurry over to him. I hop onto his lap, smiling.

"Hi." He says, wrapping his arms around me. "How are ya?"

"Good." I yawn. "Did you let me sleep in?"

"Mhm. Papyrus dragged me down here, but kindly let you continue sleeping." He sighs and kisses my neck softly. "I love ya."

"I love you too." I turn and kiss him, then set my head on his shoulder as he goes back to kissing my neck. I sigh and relax in his arms.

"Mmm..." He tightens his grip on me. "Y'know, I'm not hungry. Wanna ditch Papyrus and got to my room to... Have fun?"

"I heard that." Papyrus growls from the kitchen. He comes out with a spatula and whacks Fell with it lightly, making me squeak. "You two will eat, and you two will not fuck in my house."

"Ok mom." Fell growls and bites my neck softly, not hard enough to make a mark, but enough to make me smile. I shift and wrap my arms tighter around him as he increases the pressure slightly.

"Ngh, you two sicken me sometimes." Papyrus rolls his eye lights and walks away. I chuckle as Fell pulls me closer. He trails kisses up and down my neck and collarbone, and I close my eyes, mesmerized by him.

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now