Chapter 17. ~Please... Let Me Explain.~

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Fell POV


3:38 AM

Me: hey...

Me: um

Me: it's been a couple days..

Me: it's almost yer birthday

Me: when are ya gonna talk to me again...?

Me: i'm sorry.

Me: if you'd just show up, i could explain everything.

Me: please

Me: just let me explain damnit

Me: pleas...

Me: i'm sorry...

Me: i didnt mean to screw things up

Me: i just need you here so i can explain

Me: please




9:38 AM

"Where are going?" Riley asks me as I slip something into my coat pocket and grab the front door handle.

"...Just for a walk. I don't know where." I mumble.

"Alright." She sighs. "Stay safe. Please."

"...Sure." I grip the object in my pocket and walk out the door. It's snowing heavily, so hopefully my tracks won't be visible for very long. I head to the path behind my house, walking under the trees before stopping at the side of the lake. I slide the object out of my pocket; it's a sharp kitchen knife. I stab it into the ice to see how thick it is, and I create a small hole. It's obviously not very thick.

I wipe the tears from my eyes as I proceed to carve a hole big enough for the average person to fit inside, then nearly drop the knife into the freezing cold water. I let out a sob as I slip my coat off and drop it in the thick snow.

"I'm sorry Fell. Riley. Mom. Dad." I look at the sky, then dip my foot into the icy pond water. It's freezing, and my toes nearly go numb. I let out another sob and jump into the lake. I hear someone yell something, but I can't hear what they said.

My body starts to float up to the surface, and I hit the ice. I'm already starting to lose consciousness. My hands are numb, my arms are numb, my legs are numb, everything's numb. My vision starts to go dark, and I whisper one final "I'm sorry".

Something breaks through the ice and grabs me by the collar of my sweater, pulling me out. I cough out water as I'm laid down on my fluffy winter jacket. Someone pulls me into their arms and starts running, though I don't know who it is or why they're saving me.

I hear a door swing open, and I'm hit with a blast of warm air. Someone wraps several thick, fluffy blankets around me, as well as my coat.

"Y/N?" It's Riley's voice, though it sounds echoed and reverberated a hundred times as my ears begin to ring. "What happened?"

"Caught her jumpin' into the lake." Someone who sounds painfully similar to Fell says. I see a blurry figure in front of me; a man with brown hair and an eye color I can't make out.

"...F-Fell-?" I whisper softly, my voice hoarse.

"What?" He tilts his head at me.

"......A-Are you Fell...?"

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now