Chapter 9. ~Max, can You Die Now? Please? Thank You.~

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8:22 PM

"Come on in~" Max purrs as he opens the door. My heart is beating. I got a week away from him, since he's been so sick, but he was here at work today, and he basically demanded that I come to his house tonight. He sits me down on the couch and grabs a blanket. "So..." He wraps the blanket around us both, handing me a cup of coffee." Riley told me... That you like The Greatest Showman-?"

I nod, scared.

He chuckles and turns on the TV, then turns the movie on, cuddling close to me. As the intro starts, I find myself unable to enjoy it.

"Get comfy, sweetheart." He whispers.

"Don't call me that." I growl, my voice wavering.

"Right, right, you hate that nickname." He trails kisses down my neck. "How about... Darling?"

I squirm uncomfortably as he rubs my thigh with a hand.


10:16 PM

"You know..." Max comes up from behind me and wraps his arms around me, scaring me. "I think tonight's the night."

Panic wells in me as he slips my shirt off. He traces circles into my chest, and I clench my fists.

"Y-You... You told me-"

"I know I said no sex, but..." He chuckles. "Doesn't mean we can't... Get comfortable." He drags me into bed and presses his chest up against my bare back. "Get some sleep, darling." He flicks my waistband on my sweatpants. "Or these go, too."

I close my eyes, holding back a whimper as he runs a hand up and down my sides.


12:54 AM

I toss and turn, unable to sleep. I nearly whack Max in the head with my arm, but I pull back just in time. I get out of bed and go downstairs to the kitchen for a drink of water, where my gaze drifts to the knives.

"No." I growl to myself, forcing myself to grab a cup and fill it with tap water. "You promised Fell, Y/N..."

"...Who's Fell?" Max's voice causes me to jump, and I spill the water all over myself, whirling around.

"Just a... Friend." I force the words out, taking deep breaths to calm my racing heart. "He's just a friend."

"Odd name for just a friend." He backs me up until I'm cornered, then hoists me up onto the counter, gripping my thighs tightly with his hands. "Who is he, Y/N?"

"H-He's just a guy!" I'm panicking now. "I- I don't know?? I met him online, he's just- He-" I start sobbing.

"What did you promise him?"

"...T-That... That I wouldn't g-get hurt..." It's not exactly a lie.

He growls, his nails digging into my flesh, making me whimper in pain. He gazes at me, licking his licks hungrily as I whimper again.

After a while, he lets go. "...Just come back to bed."

"I- I-" I hesitate, and then as my hand grazes my pocket, I feel my phone in it. An idea hits me, and I pray it'll work. I slip my hand into my pocket, looking at the ground like I'm afraid to speak as I dial what's hopefully 911. My phone goes off, and I pull it out awkwardly. "U-Uh, oh, gosh, who could be calling me this late-? O-One moment, Max." 

He growls again, then walks back upstairs.

"Hello?" The person on the other end says as I put the phone to my ear.

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now