Chapter 36. ~Reunion.~

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I wake up to the feeling of bony arms around me, and for a second, when I turn around and look at Fell's face, I feel like I'm imagining him again, but then he opens his sockets and smiles at me, and I remember everything that happened. I kiss him so fiercely we fall off of the mattress, and when I pull away, I start giggling.

"Well-" Fell chuckles. "That was... An unexpected 'good morning', heh." I kiss him again, and when I pull away, he's blushing more. "Any specific reason yer kissin' me so much when I just woke up?"

"I'm just so happy." I bury my face in the crook of his neck. "So happy I'm here. I don't know how, but..."

"I guess I wasn't halfway across the world after all." He kisses the side of my neck, and I blush. "Clocks must be off or somethin'." He looks at me, then kisses me. "I love ya, sweetheart."

"I love you, too." I murmur.

We sit up, and I snatch his jacket off the floor, then wrap it around myself. Fell chuckles and trails his index finger down my jawline, and I lean into his touch as he cups my cheek. His hand wraps around to the back of my neck, and he pulls me back into a kiss.

The door to his bedroom swings open, and Papyrus clears his throat. "Do you two mind?"

Fell gives him the middle finger, and Papyrus growls. Fell pulls away. "Do you mind? This is my room, Papyrus. And if ya can't tell, I'm in the middle of somethin'."

"The others are downstairs." Papyrus says coldly. "They want to meet Y/N in person."


"Yes. Now."

Fell groans, then we sit up. Fell picks me up and carries me downstairs, and I feel myself curling up in his grasp as I spot all of the other monsters downstairs. They all stare at me, and I suddenly feel very small. Fell sense this and strokes my head lightly as we sit on the couch beside Papyrus. At least I know he won't brutally murder me. I sit up a little, gripping Fell's hand tightly.

"So, punk, you're here." Undyne crosses her arms. She's even scarier in person. She scowls. "I suppose this means you and Sans are gonna be all over each other twenty-four seven?" The glare she gives me makes me shrink into Fell's embrace.

"It's alright." Fell whispers. "She ain't gonna hurt ya. And if she tries, I'll dust her."

Undyne snorts. "Yeah right. I could tear you to pieces." She growls. "And I might." She meets my gaze, then stands up. "Why don't we just take her soul and get the fuck outta here?"

I whimper and curl up on Fell's lap as he grips me tightly, baring his teeth. "You even think of layin' a hand on her and I'll turn ya to dust."

"You couldn't hurt me if you tried." She summons a spear in her hands. "I'm not gonna wait any longer just so you can have some stupid, pathetic relationship."

Fell summons multiple red bones behind him, pulling me as close to him as I can get. Papyrus' eye lights dart from Fell to Undyne multiple times, observing them, then he stands up.

"Enough." He snarls. "Y/N is not going to be killed unless the king orders it."

Fell's eye light goes out, and he sets me on the couch, then stands up and glares at his brother. "I don't fuckin' care if Asgore says to kill her. I'm not lettin' any of you touch her."

Papyrus grabs Fell by the collar of his turtleneck, pulling him close and whispering in his ear. I barely catch it, but I do. "I'm doing this to protect her. If Asgore orders Undyne to kill Y/N, I'll protect her." Fell looks up at him, confused as he goes on. "I will protect her with my life, Sans."

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now