Chapter 31. ~More Online Cuddles and Fell Being Sexy.~

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1:26 PM

"Heh, heya." Fell waves to me as I pick up the phone. I smile, and so does he. "Ya at work, huh?"

I nod. "Mhm. Been pretty boring. Glad you're here, though."

He grins. "Heh, can I show ya somethin'?"


He turns around, and I see something on the wall of his bedroom. It's the drawing I made him, sitting in a gold frame that matches his tooth and the necklace around his neck. It's right over his bed.

"I framed it." He says, sitting down on the bed. "Now I can admire it every time I'm in here."

That makes me blush. "Aww..."

He lays on his back, and Butter climbs onto his chest. He's slightly bigger than the last time I saw him. He meows and hides in Fell's jacket.

"So..." Fell begins. "How's Riley been?"

"I didn't think you cared-"

"Nah, I just wanna make sure she's not bein' an asshole."

"Oh." I pause for a moment. "She's, uh..." I take a deep breath. "It's... It's been a lot."

His eye light seems to get brighter. "What'd she do to ya?"

"W-Well, she just- She keeps blaming me on everything, and when I accuse her of something, like forgetting to wash the dishes- I've been neglecting stuff like that until she does it, because I'm tired of doing it for her, when she's the one who eats at home most of the time. I usually pick something up on my way home, and I eat out for lunch on workdays. Whenever I accuse her of forgetting to do them, she either tells me it's because she's been busy, or she started on them but got distracted because of her ADHD or some shit, I'm not even sure if she has ADHD, or she'll tell me to do them."

"Please kick her out." Fell groans, slamming his head against the pillow. "She's a bitch and needs to go."

"It's not that easy..." I mumble. "Yes, if I do, I can take care of myself, but she could go to Max, and Max could get me fired, or she'll go to my parents and tell them everything... All the mistakes I've made since moving out..."

"Fuck yer parents, fuck Max, and fuck Riley." He growls. "Ya don't need any of 'em. Ya only need me and Butter."

"...H-Has, um... H-Have any of you come up with a plan to-" I force the words out. "To kill Frisk...?"

He shakes his head. "Not yet."

I rest my head on my arms and sigh. It doesn't look like he'll be getting out of there anytime soon.


4:28 AM

Fell rolls onto his back, grinning at me. I hold my pillow closer to me, staring at him through my laptop screen.

"Mmmm..." He smiles as he looks at me, then yawns. "Boy am I tired."

There's a strange tone to his voice, almost mischievous. "What're you up to, Fell?"

"Mmmmmmmmm, whaddya mean?" He gives me an innocent look, but his smirk says he's up to something.

"You're planning something."

"I'm plannin' nothin' sweetheart."

I give him a look. "C'mon, Fell, just tell me what you're up to."

He smirks and tugs at the sides of his jacket. "Mmmm, no~"

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now