Chapter 39. ~Getting Everyone Settled In.~

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12:32 PM

When we get back to the top of the mountain, Papyrus gives us a cold glare. "Where were you two? We needed your help moving things."

"I had to go beat up a bitch." Fell jumps onto my back, and I grunt under his weight. "Sorry ya couldn't lift a couple little boxes without me to be there so ya could yell at me."

Papyrus growls, then turns his attention to Undyne, who throws a box onto the ground a few feet away from him. "Be careful with that." Papyrus mutters.

"If you want me to be careful with it, do it yourself." Undyne snaps, then walks away.

"C'mon sweetheart." Fell hops off of me and leads me over to some boxes. He picks up a small one and gestures to a larger one. "Grab that for me will ya?"

I pick it up, then nearly fall over because it's so heavy. He chuckles, then starts walking down the mountain.

"Wh- Fell-!" I stumble forward. "Come back! This one's too heavy!"

"Ya can do it, sweetheart!" He calls, then disappears.

I suppress a sigh, then walk down the mountain. It's an even longer walk with this box in my hands, because I can't see where I'm going, and trying to avoid sticks and not tumble down the hill because the box is so heavy at the same time is hard. But I make it, and I set it down, taking a few deep breaths before picking it back up again and walking towards my house.

On the walk there, I glance back at the mountain. I can just barely see the other monsters gathered on the cliff's edge. People have started to gather at the base of the hill, and some give me weird looks. I'm guessing word spread that I was "dead" and seeing me here must be confusing them.

I make it to my house, where Fell's waiting, leaning against the doorframe. "Just set it down. Riley'll put it away."

"...I didn't think she'd do anything to help you."

"I told her I'd stab her if she didn't." He gives me a grin, then slings an arm around me. "I told the others to meet us here. We'll get 'em all settled in here."

"Um- Fell- They won't all fit in my house-"

He kisses my cheek. "It's a temporary thing. Besides, ya got a big backyard."

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Alright."

"C'mon, they can get the other stuff. I wanna be alone with you." He jumps onto my back again. I sigh, shaking my head with amusement as I walk into the house. Riley gives us a look, and Fell notices it. He bares his teeth in the slightest snarl, and she runs to the front door, grabs the box, and carries it in. She looks around awkwardly, as if looking for another box to move. "They'll be here with more." Fell says. "Don't touch anythin', move anythin, or move from that spot until they get here, k?"

Riley nods swiftly. It's odd, seeing her like this. I narrow my eyes as she gives me a pleading look, then I carry Fell up to my room. He jumps off of my back as soon as the door is shut, then scrambles onto my bed and lays there with a smirk on his face. I raise an eyebrow, and he smirks more.

"C'mere, sweetheart~" He makes a gesture with his index finger, and a blue heart appears in front of me. He pulls me over with some invisible force, and suddenly, I'm sitting on his lap. He wraps his arms around my hips and smirks more. "Hey~"

"H-Hi-" I blush as he rubs circles into my hips. "What are you doing-?"

"We have not had a moment alone since meeting." He lowers his voice as if he doesn't want anyone overhearing.

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now