Chapter 18. ~Happy Birthday.~

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9:34 AM

"Hiya!" One of the girls who works on my floor, Sophia, sticks her head into the door of my office. "I heard it's your birthday today, and I just made some cookies yesterday, sooo..." She holds out a tray of chocolate chip cookies. "I brought you some!"

"O-Oh. Thanks." I take them from her with a forced smile. It's not that I don't like her, I'm just... Not as happy as I wish I had been. "Thank you."

"Of course!" She smiles, waves, and then leaves.

I take a cookie out and bite into it. It's good. I set them aside and open Discord.


9:36 AM

Fell: hey

Me: ..hi.

Fell: happy birthday, sweetheart.

Me: ..thanks, i guess.

Fell: ya doin' alright?

Me: ....i could bebetter

Me: i'm still cold..

Me: and i still want that explanation..

Fell: .

Fell: how about.. tomorrow, k?

Fell: i don't wanna ruin this day for ya

Fell: so how about we just

Fell: talk?

Fell: like before

Fell: forget about hwat had happened for a day and just hang out wiht me

Fell: i'm free the entire day, so.

Fell: i'll be here.

Me: ..

Me: ok.

Fell: :]

Me: sophia gave me cookies

Fell: who

Me: someone who works on the same floor as me

Fell: oh

Me: they're nice

Fell: ya sure yer alright-?

Me: im jst..

Me: i'll tell you tomorrow...

Fell: akr

Fell: ajr

Fell: aor

Fell: ajk

Fell: slr

Fell: OMFG


Fell: motherfuckin' keyboard smh

Me: .

Me: i giggled

Fell: good

Fell: ill make as many typos as possible to make ya laugh, sweetheart.

Me: yknow

Me: maybe this day wont be so bad

Fell: .

Me: i assumed it'd be shit because... well, the argument or whateer.. bt..

Me: mayeb it wont be that bad

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