Chapter 38. ~Freedom.~

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8:12 AM

I walk down the stairs, Fell trailing behind me tiredly. He lets out a yawn and practically trips over his own foot. I catch him at the last second, and he blushes.

"Ngh... Sorry, sweetheart." He stands and yawns again. "I'm very tired..."

"Come here." I hold my arms out for him, and he clings to me. I practically drag him to the couch as Papyrus comes out of the kitchen, holding several plates in his hands.

"Does anyone else feel like somethin' weird is happenin' today?" Fell mumbles as I set him down on the couch. He rubs his forehead. "I dunno, there's just some weird feelin' in the air. Am I the only one who feels that way?"

"I think you're just sleep deprived." Papyrus narrows his sockets, handing me a plate of freshly made waffles. I thank him, and he just shrugs, handing Fell one, too.

"Mng.... Maybe." Fell sinks into the cushions, and I drape a blanket over him. He takes a bite of the waffle as Papyrus sits on the other side of me. It's weirdly comforting, being in between the two edgy skeletons. I lean back and eat my waffle in peace.


9:23 AM

Fell yawns as he slumps into his seat at the sentry station. "I'm so tireeeddd...."

"I suppose that's my fault." I sit behind him, and he leans into my embrace. "Since I kinda kept you up."

"Don't blame yerself, sweetheart." He nuzzles my shoulder, making a sound that resembles a purr. "I love ya, Y/N."

"I love you too, my Fluffy Asshole." I kiss his skull, and he wraps his arms around me. I rock him back and forth as he closes his eye sockets. I look forward into the forest, resting my chin on Fell's head. I sigh, then spot movement in the shadows. I'm sure it's just Doggo until I see that the silhouette is human shaped, and while Doggo walks like a human, this shadow doesn't have a snout. "Stay here." I tell Fell, who's half asleep. He mumbles an agreement, then slams his forehead down on the sentry station as I slip out from under him. 

I walk over to the figure, and they whip their head around to face me. They grip something in their hands, and I realize it's a human. I assume it's Frisk until they step out from the shadows.

It's not Frisk.

"...There's another human down here?" Her eyes widen. She can't be any more than eleven years old. She hugs me tightly, and I see a burn mark on her arm.

"Hi." I kneel down to her level, and she meets my gaze. "What's your name?"

"Alaura." She spins a stick in her hands. "W-What's yours?"

"Y/N." I pull her close to me, feeling a sudden need to protect her. Papyrus has a plan to kill Frisk. Alaura doesn't need to die.

"Are- Are you gonna turn me in?" She asks.

"No." I look over my shoulder. Fell's still asleep. I grab her hand. "Come on. I'll hide you, ok?"

She nods, and I start to lead her into the trees, when I hear a voice from behind me. "Y/N?"

I freeze. It's Fell. I turn slowly, and he's staring at Alaura. I inhale. "Yeah?"

"Who-" He points to her.

Alaura hides behind me, and I put an arm in front of her. "She's innocent, Fell."

Fell pulls me away from her and hisses in my ear, too quiet for her to hear. "She's our ticket to freedom, Y/N."

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now