Chapter 5. ~Riley's a Jerk.~

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8:09 AM

"Y/N? Y/N!"

Agony shoots through my head as I open my eyes. A bright, blinding light fills my vision, and my ears are ringing. Am I dead? I feel like I'm dead.

"Y/N, get up! You're going to be late for work!"

"Be quiiietttt." I groan, the voice as loud as a rocket launching. I cover my ears to stop the ringing.


"Whaaaat?" I blink, and the light disappears. I find myself staring at Riley. "...Ngh... Riley?"

Riley holds something up in front of my face; an empty wine glass. Part of it is broken.

"I told you to stay away from the wine, Y/N." Riley sighs. "It's dangerous! You could've hurt yourself."

"And yet you can have it?" I sit up with a groan, rubbing my head. "Why aren't I allowed a glass?"

"I'm pretty sure this is more than a glass, Y/N." She clenches her fists. "You're gonna have to call in to work today. You're in no condition to go." Under her breath, she mutters, "I knew Fell was a bad influence."

"Don't talk about Fell like that." I snarl, then groan again as my vision spins. I grip the side of the bed to right myself. "He's a good friend."

"HE GOT YOU DRUNK." She whirls around, the glass falling to the floor.

"No he didn't." I glare up at her. "I was the one who got the wine."

"He didn't do anything to stop you."

"I didn't know it would get so out of hand."

Riley sighs again, leaning down to pick up the glass shards carefully. "I don't want you talking to him anymore."

I freeze. "Who are you to tell you who I can and can't talk to? You aren't my mother."

"At least your mother had the sense to keep you from moving out too early. You're not prepared to live on your own, Y/N. If you can't even pay for bills by yourself, you certainly shouldn't be talking to that bastard who talks shit about me."

"Well you shouldn't be looking through my things!" I shoot back, attempting to stand. "You have no right!"

"I have every right. You are my friend and my roommate. I'm trying to keep you safe."

"I can keep myself safe."

"Obviously not, or you wouldn't have gotten drunk." She growls. "You're immature, Y/N."

"DON'T TELL ME I'M IMMATURE!" I shove her, and she drops the glass shards, cutting her hands. She hisses in pain as blood drips to the floor.

She starts to cry. "...I-I'm just trying to help, Y/N..."

Guilt hits me. "...No, I- I'm sorry. I'm just... Angry. And I'm tired. And my head hurts."

She looks at her bleeding hands. "I just don't want you talking to him. He's rude... He swears too much." She gives me a stern glare. "You swear to much." She sighs. "He made fun of you, and you want to talk to him?"

My anger comes back. "I don't want you looking through my DMs. It's not right. I deserve privacy."

"I'm just trying to make sure he doesn't hurt you." She picks up the glass again, wincing. "I feel like you don't know how to take care of yourself sometimes."

I hiss, and she winces again. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"I care about you, Y/N." She says as she looks at me. "Please... For your sake, and for mine, just stop talking to him. It'd be better if you don't. All he'll do is criticize you."

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now