Chapter 33. ~Meeting the Others.~

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12:49 AM

I let out a yawn. "Hey, Fell."

"Heh, heya sweetheart." He's walking down some stairs, and I can hear muffled voices through the speaker. "Ya look tired."

"I was..." I yawn again. "Sleeping..."

"Oh- Shit, uh... S-Sorry, Y/N-" He blushes. "I didn't realize-"

"I'm wearing nothing but a bra, what did you expect?"

He drops his phone, and I hear him yell "oh SHIT-" before picking it back up. "S-Sorry, I- Um-" He looks to his left. "H-Hi- Um... S-She- Uh..."

I rub my eyes. "Why're you calling me at midnight?" I ask.

"...Alphys and the others came over for dinner..." His mumbles. "Um. I- I could-"

I nearly fall off my bed. "L-Lemme change-"

"No, I'll just call ya back-" But I'm already rummaging through my draws for a decent top. I settle on a black shirt, and I slip it on, then scurry back to my bed. "O-Or not..." He looks up. "Uh- She's ready-"

"Gimme the phone." I recognize the voice as Undyne's, and I actually flinch, like instead of snatching the phone she grabbed me by the neck. I look at her and give her a little wave, and she only scowls in return. "Y/N, right?" She's continuing before I can reply. "Great, nice to meet you. Name's Undyne. You better remember it, punk. 'Cause as soon as I'm outta here you better be on your kn-"

"Undyne." Papyrus growls. "She doesn't need to bow to you. You are not the King."

Undyne gives him a glare. "I'm just trynna scare her... Let her know her place."

"She already knows her place."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I've spoken with her, and she's a decent woman. And if you scare her again, I'll have you demoted."

That shuts her up. She scowls and hands the phone to a small, yellow lizard with glasses and red eyes similar to Fell. I wave, and surprirsingly, she waves back. 

"Hi." I say. "Um... Are you... Alphys-?"

She nods. "Sorry about Undyne." She rolls her eyes. "She can be a bit much sometimes."

Undyne growls, and I'm surprised someone other than Fell knows how to apologize down here. "U-Uh, it's alright."

"You're Sans' girlfriend, right?"

I nod. "Yeah..." Suddenly I feel very awkward. I know they all know, but that doesn't mean they approve of me.

Her gaze flickers up, then back to me. "He's a good guy, Y/N. Nicest monster down here. You got lucky, and if you ever break his heart..." She bares her teeth in a slight snarl. "I won't hesitate to tear you apart."

I squeak and hide under my blankets until Fell's voice brings me back out. I hold my pillow close to me as he sets the phone up at the end of the table. I see everyone take their seats, Fell sitting closest to me, Papyrus sitting at the end, and Undyne and Alphys sitting next to each other on the right side of the table. Asgore isn't here, though that doesn't surprise me.

"So, Y/N." Papyrus meets my eyes. "I have a couple of questions for you."

"Oh boy, questions..." I say sarcastically, hoping he didn't hear it. When I see him narrow his sockets, I hide in my blankets. "U-Um.. Sorry, just- A-Ask away...! Haha..."

"What's the surface like, punk?" Undyne asks me, slamming a hand on the table.

"W-Well-" I sit up, clearing my throat. "Um... What do you wanna know about it?"

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now