Chapter 12. ~Today... Wasn't So Good.~

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3:24 AM

Me: [Attachment]

Me: Im proud of this one :3

Fell: e

Fell: wh

Fell: y

Fell: this is

Fell: one of the worst ones you've shown me

Me: ..oh.

Me: but..

Me: but it's good?

Fell: i mean its a sketch so ig it could be imporoved..

Fell: but uh

Fell: sweetheart

Fell: you should not draw skeles

Me: .

Me: but im being commissioned for it

Fell: tell people ya can't draw 'em

Fell: the rib proportions are all off.

Me: and i suppose you'd know more than i do, despite the fcct that you, too, are human

Fell: sweetheart my brother kills people for a living.

Fell: i'm bound to have seen a skeleton once or twice in my lif

Fell: and i'm just bein' honest here

Fell: it aint' that good of a drawin'

Me: ...

Fell: like ok

Fell: the eye sockets are good

Fell: you've imporoved with those

Fell: the hands are alright

Fell: you could probably fix those a tad bit but they're good.

Fell: but the ribs..

Fell: just..

Fell: no.

Fell: just no.

Me: ......

Fell: the hood is decent

Fell: could be better tho

Fell: uhhh

Fell: the jacket is good !

Fell: so

Fell: it's kinda just the ribs and maybe th hands that you need to fix

Me: ..

Fell: the ribs are shit but apart from that it's a decent sketch

Fell: i bet you could do better witht he ribs tho

Fell: mmmaybe the spine

Fell: the spine looks a little off

Fell: but you've improved on the haaaands

Fell: godo job sweetheart

Me: ...

Me: ....just forget it..

Me: i'll just...

Me: redo the whole fucking thing

Fell: why

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now