Chapter 7. ~Voice Call.~

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7:07 AM

Fell begins the video call, and I sigh, my hands shaking. I answer the call as I slip my headphones on. I slide the left headphone off my ear so I can hear the movie, too, though I haven't started playing it.

"Heheh..." A deep voice chuckles in my right ear, causing me to shiver. He has a slight New England accent. "Hey there, sweetheart."

I blush at the nickname. Somehow it feels even more special when I can hear it verbally. "H-Hi... Fell..."

"Hey, Y/N~" He practically purrs, my ear vibrating as he speaks.

I blush even more. "...Um..."

"Brrr, it's cold." He chuckles, and I can almost imagine him wrapping some type of fluffy coat around his shoulders. "Is it cold where yer at, sweetheart?"

I look out the window. "..It's kinda snowy..."

"Heh, it's snowin' where I'm at, too."

I pull my thick, comfy blanket over me and grab the TV remote. I set my laptop next to me in case I need it, but for the most part, I'm able to relax in the corner of the couch. For a split second, my mind wanders, and despite the fact that I don't know what Fell looks like, I can imagine him holding me; a strong, handsome guy who isn't super tall but can hold me like I'm nothing more than a little koala, with dark brown, fluffy hair and kind eyes.

"Whatcha watchin, sweetheart?" Fell's New England accent jolts me from my thoughts.

"The Greatest Showman." My voice is barely a mumble.

"Huh. Never watched it."

I choke on air. "What? You-" I aggressively stand up and snatch my laptop, then march into my room. I lock the door and curl up under the blankets, adjusting my headphones so they're on both ears. "You, mister, are gonna sit down and watch this with me.

He chuckles. "And how do ya plan on doin' that?"

I pull up Disney Plus on my laptop, then share my screen. Fell squeaks, and I can't help but giggle.

"Oh. I guess that works." He says, and I can imagine him propping his head up on one hand. "Play the movie then, sweetheart."

"Hang on." I get up and scurry into the kitchen, swiftly make myself some hot chocolate, and come back. "Ok, I got what I needed."

I hear some rustling on the other end, and I can imagine him settling into a thick, fluffy coat or a blanket. I play the movie and giggle again.

"I've never seen this movie in my life." He says as the intro music begins. My foot taps along to the beat as I take a sip of hot chocolate. "Ya like this movie, huh, sweetheart?"

Every time he calls me 'sweetheart', I blush. "Yeah, I do. I haven't watched it in a while, though."

"Mmm, I like this music." He chuckles. "I take it you do, too?"

I blush madly as I realize I've been singing along with the intro song this entire time. "E-Er.... Y-Yeah... Sorry-"

"Heh, it's alright, sweetheart. I don't mind. Yer voice is nice, actually."

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now