Chapter 11. ~Christmas Time is Here.~

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8:21 AM

"MERRY CHRISTMAS, Y/N!" Riley yanks the blankets off me as she drags me out of bed. I let out a sleepy groan as I land face first on the floor. "Y/N-? What's wrong?"

"I'm tired..." I sigh as I sit up. I had spent all night talking to Fell and only went to bed at three in the morning, then woke up at five, and then went back to bed.

"Well, then perhaps a nice cup of tea will wake you up!" Riley hauls me up and drags me downstairs. She hands me a cup of tea as we sit around the Christmas tree. "Ok!" She pulls a gift out as I sleepily slip on the tea, then hands it to me. "That's for you!"

I set the tea down and open the gift. It's... A new blanket. It's soft and fluffy.

"Thanks." I say, setting it beside me. I honestly thought it would've been something stupid, since Riley is, well... Riley.

"Of course!" She replies happily, then grabs a gift. After examining it, she opens it. Inside is the new watch I had gotten her, since her old one broke. It was pretty cheap, but it matches her old one. "Oh. Thanks."

I blink sleepily. It might just be the fact that I'm tired, but she didn't sound very grateful. I shrug it off and open the next gift she passes me.


9:34 PM


Me: and a happy new year, too.

Fell: Hi

Me: hey

Fell: how was your christmassss?

Me: i didn't get a single thing i had actually asked for

Fell: .

Me: all riley got me were clothes, a blanket (which was nice of her. i like the blanket) and a new mug.

Fell: ...

Me: :'D

Me: but its ok now bc you're here

Me: how was ur christmas

Fell: oh

Fell: we don't celebrate christmas

Me: w 

Me: do you celebrate Hannukah or smth.

Fell: no

Fell: i live in a town full of jerks. do you think we celebrate ANYTHING?

Me: thats sad

Fell: i know

Me: ...does that mean you wouldnt celebrate christmas if we lived with each toehr-?

Fell: i'd celebrate anythin' was ya.

Me: :]

Me: ok this blanket is actually very comfy

Fell: heh

Fell: would ya share it w/ me if i were there?

Me: ..yeah.

Fell: ya sound reluctant.

Fell: then agin we're chatting online there's no tone of voice

Me: .....i'm just..

Me: sad now

Fell: o h

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