Chapter 27. ~Online Cuddles and a Little Bit of Crying.~

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3:28 PM

Max has been unusuall chill around me ever since he talked to Fell that day. It's been about a week. I'm finally starting to feel more relaxed.

...Apart from the fact that Riley's been getting mad at me at every little thing you did wrong. "Y/N, you burnt the waffles", "Y/N, you forgot to do your laundry", this and that and it's annoying and I'm sick of her.

Fell's been busy with his brother, and I've been stuck with Riley, so work has- surprisingly- been the only peaceful place since my call with Fell and his brother.

Max walks into my office. "Um. Hi-"

"Hey." I reply.

"You busy?"

"No. Just bored."

His gaze drifts to my neck, and he pauses. "...I could, um... Help with that."

I eye him warily and scoot away from him a little bit. "Max..."

"N-No, I- I meant-" He sighs. "You look tense, and I used to work at a resort where they gave massages, so-"

"Oh." I scoot back over to my desk, and I realize that I am a little tense. Maybe a massage could help. "Just... Don't try anything."

"After what your boyfriend said to me?" He chuckles awkwardly, and my heart flutters as he calls Fell my boyfriend. "I feel like such a jerk after all I did." He places his hands on my shoulders. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I get carried away with things like that. You're just really attractive, and I couldn't help myself."

"It's fine." I sigh. "It's not like you were the first person to use me like that..."

He rubs my shoulders and my neck softly, and a sigh slips out of my mouth. I relax into the chair, then perk up and nearly bash my head into Max's chin when I hear a ping from Discord. Max hesitates, then goes to pull away. I keep him behind me, and he goes back to the massage as I open my laptop. I say hi, and he's calling me instantly.

"Heh, hey sexy~" Fell purrs. I don't have my headphones connected, and I feel Max's grip on my shoulders tighten slightly. "Turn yer camera on for me, I wanna see your sexy face~"

I look at Max, and he shrugs, so I turn the camera on.


"Because he's chill now." I say. "He's not hurting me."

"I hate him. Get him out of my sight." Fell growls. "Get yer hands off my girlfriend, bitch."

"Uh- Fell-" Max clears his throat to speak clearer. "I didn't know you two were together, and I'm not gonna hurt her anymore. I was a jerk."

Fell grumbles something under his breath that neither of us catch, and he doesn't bother to repeat it. Then he chuckles, and he flips on his camera. He gives Max the meanest glare I've ever seen.

"I- W- What-" Max goes pale, and he lets go of my shoulders. He collapses and faints, and I can't help but laugh.

Fell snorts. "Serves him right."


12:45 AM

"Heyyyyyyy." Fell says seductively as I pick up the call. I'm curled up in my blankets with a nice cup of hot chocolate, and I turn my camera on as soon as he turns on his. "Awwww, you look so adorable~"

I blush. "Hi, my Fluffy Asshole~"

He chuckles, adjusting his jacket. "Heya, sweetheart. Ya look ready to go to bed."

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now