Chapter 20. ~A Relaxing Day Off.~

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10:23 AM

Fell: good mornin' sweeetheart

Me: omogmgogmg hiii <3

Fell: hey <3

Me: hi <33333333333

Me: i missed u yesterday

Me: how was the whole reporting thingo

Fell: ew it sucked

Fell: the king hates me istg

Fell: anyway i gave the report

Fell: no humans, no nothin'

Fell: he looked at me like he was disappointed then turned to papyrus and undyne to plan or shit

Fell: i tried to walk away but then i ran into doggo an dhe growed at me

Me: awh

Me: im sorry D:

Fell: it's alr

Fell: i got sent home early and just slept

Fell: and i woke up with a headache

Fell: but yer here now <3

Me: <3 im just drawin' rn

Fell: show

Fell: now

Me: [Attachment]


Fell: oooh~

Fell: it's meeeeee~

Me: 👉👈 i can't help it..

Fell: heh

Fell: can you

Fell: teach me how to draw?

Me: i can try

Fell: <3


10:25 AM

I pick up the call, sharing my screen. "Hi, Fell."

"Hi~" Fell purrs, and I blush.

"S-So, um... What do you wanna learn how to draw?"

"Heh, not even an 'I love ya' to start off the vc?"

"...Oh- S-Sorry, I-"

He chuckles. "I'm just jokin' with ya, sweetheart. As for uh..." He pauses for a moment. "Teach me how to draw yerself."

"U-Uh-" I squeak. "O-Ok..."

"Can you turn on yer camera, sweetheart?" He asks. "I wanna see your gorgeous, sexy face~"

That only makes me blush more, but I turn on my face cam. I hide in my sweater, hoping to hide the blush.

He chuckles. "Awww, yer so cute~"

I squeak again and crawl under my desk, unable to stop blushing.

"Heh heh. Come on out, sweetheart~"

"N-No-" I mumble.

"Come oooon~"


"I'm not gonna make fun of ya~ I'm just admirin' ya."

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now