Chapter 34. ~Struggling.~

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6:45 PM

Fell: hi <333

Me: hey..

Fell: uh oh who did what

Me: y'know...

Me: the next time i drive a drunk max home...

Me: i'm gonna put him in the trunk......

Fell: ????

Me: i put him in the passenger seat

Me: so i could keep an eye on him

Me: and he ended up climbing onto my lap when we stopped at a red light

Me: and caused a car crash..!!!

Fell: ...

Me: i have a broken leg now..

Me: and i can't type :DD

Me: i hate lifeeeeee!!!!! :DD

Me: my foot's propped up on a pillow and i'm forced to stay downstairs. riley's in the kitchen making dinner

Me: : D D D D D

Fell: aw, sweetheart

Fell: it'll be alr

Me: motherfucker my leg is BROKEN


Fell: you'll heal won't ya?

Me: ig...

Me: still it hruts..

Fell: mwah

Me: aw

Me: mwah

Fell: it'll get better sweetheart <3

Me: i know but it hurrrrtttsssss D:

Fell: mwah

Me: mwah*

Me: fuck

Me: mwah

Fell: <333333

Me: <333

Me: mnmnngmnggngmngnhmhnhnmnhgnmgn owwwwww

Me: help i moved my leg and it hurrrttttt

Fell: so don't move it


Me: ow

Fell: hjhjh ma'am ya got a brokenleg ofc yer gonna be uncomfy

Me: i want to die

Me: it hurts so much

Me: he also tried to fuck me in the car and that's what led to us crashing-

Fell: can he die already

Fell: please tell me he snapped his ugly neck in the crash and died <3

Me: no unfortunately

Me: in fact

Me: he got away unscathedddd :DDDD

Me: i mean he had some scratches but that's it-

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now