Chapter 23. ~Riley... Just Stop. You too, Max.~

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10:25 AM

Fell hasn't responded since yesterday, and I'm getting worried. I've sent him a billion texts, and I've even tried calling him twice. He hasn't done anything.

And, of course, now I'm sitting in my office, forced to deal with Max's shit because I'm too depressed and exhausted to do something about it.

Ever since he fucked me that night, he's been so touchy and all over me, and it's making me uncomfortable. He got his job back after convincing our boss that he was innocent and was blamed for a crime he didn't commit, and although he's no higher than me in the ranks, he could still get me fired.

And I feel like me wanting to die every day because of Max is better than losing yet another job. Fell can help me with suicide. He can't help me with my job.

...Or he could help me, if he was here.

"What's wrong, sweetheart~?" Max purrs as he trails a finger down my neck.

"I told you to stop calling me that." I grit my teeth.

"And yet you let Fell call you that all the time~"

"That's because I don't hate him."

He bites my earlobe softly. "You'll grow to like me eventually."

"In your dreams." I growl.

He chuckles, then climbs onto my lap. He kisses me, and at this point, I've just given up. I let him do what he wants. I'm powerless to stop him.


11:27 PM

I climb out of bed slowly to not wake up Max, slip my clothes on, and hurry downstairs. I make it to the kitchen and stare into the sink, wishing Fell would message me. Obviously, I wouldn't be able to see it now, but I spend the entire day- when I wasn't with Max- texting him. He hasn't said a word.

"What are you doing?" Max asks, startling me as he wraps his arms around me. I feel his bare hips press against mine, and I squirm uncomfortably.

"I couldn't sleep." I mumble, wishing I was in range of the knives. I'd stab him so quickly and then run. Jail would be better than this.

"I'm sure I could help with that~"

I growl, clenching my fists. Max grabs my hand and rubs it, yet it stays clenched. He kisses my neck gently, and I resist the urge to smack him.

"I hate you." I whisper.

"I know." He murmurs back just as quietly. "But I'm sure that could change~"

His hand slips under my waistband and rubs my thighs. I turn around and punch him in the face, baring my teeth.

"AH- FUCK-" He snarls as blood drips from his nose. "You bastard."

"Fire me if you want, Max. I don't fucking care anymore." I growl. "You've taken this too far. I was alright with coming over and sleeping with you. But when it got sexual, when you fucked me without my consent... I don't want to see your pathetic ass ever again."

He inhales deeply, wiping the blood off. "You're gonna regret that, Y/N."


1:22 AM

I slam the door shut, not even caring if I wake up Riley. I head to the kitchen and pour myself some water, trying to calm down.

"Y/N-?" Riley walks down the stairs slowly blinking sleepily. "What- I thought you were at Max's house?"

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now