Chapter 40. ~The End.~ [[SFW]]

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Fell scrambles onto the bed and looks at me. I giggle and sit on the side of the bed, and he crawls over to me. He wraps his arms around me tightly and presses his ribs to my back. I smile as he places his chin on my shoulder, then kisses my neck gently.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too." I giggle again.

He pulls me backward, and then he scrambles on top of me. He kisses my neck and my cheek and my collarbone countless times. "I love you."

"I love you too." I can't stop my smile from growing.

He presses his teeth to my lips. "I love you."

I giggle more. "I love you too, Fell."

He nuzzles my neck with his skull. "I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you."

I kiss the top of his head. "I love you too, my Fluffy Asshole."

"Mmmmnnngn, I love youuu." He nips at my earlobe, and I smile more. "I love you so muuuuchh."

"I love you too." I hug him tightly. He buries his face in the crook of my neck, and I giggle as he kisses it. He wriggles out of my grasp, trailing kisses up and down my neck as he whispers 'I love you' over and over and over.

He hugs me tightly, and I smile. "I love you, Y/N."

I chuckle. "I think you've made that very clear, and I love you too, Fell."

He grabs my hand tenderly, lacing his fingers with mine. He kisses me softly, and then intensifies the kiss until he's letting go of my hand and rubbing my neck with both of his hands, tilting his head. I wrap my arms around him, and we roll over until I'm pinning him. I pull away, and I look down at him. He's looking at me longingly, panting slightly. He tries to kiss me again, but I pull away. He lets out a whine, and I lean down. He tries to kiss me, but I pull away. He whines again, and I do it again. This time, when I pull away, he growls and uses his magic to pull me down and kiss me passionately.

I pull away, chuckling. "No fair."

He growls again and kisses me, rolling us over so he's pinning me. He tilts his head and kisses me intensely. His hands run up and down my sides, my neck, my arms. He pulls away to let me breathe, and after I take two breaths, he kisses me again.

"Fell." I push him away softly, panting. "Let me breathe."

He growls, but he lets me breathe. I relax beneath him as he starts to kiss the side of my neck, obviously desperate for his bony lips to be against some part of my body, whether it be my lips or my neck or my cheek. I smile and close my eyes, and then he goes back to kissing me.

After a minute or two, he pulls away, then drags me over to the pillows and lays down. I curl up on his chest, and he wraps his arms around me. He pauses for a moment, then slips his jacket off and drapes it over me. I smile and bury my face in the fur. Fell chuckles and kisses the top of my head a few times, then ruffles my hair. I giggle and kiss him. He smiles and nuzzles the top of my head with his skull.

"I love you." He murmurs into my ear, kissing my neck softly as I sit up a little bit.

I pull his jacket against me. "I love you too, Fell."

"I'm so lucky to have met you." He whispers as I roll onto my side, pressing the side of my head to his sternum. "You are the most amazing woman- no, being- I've ever met. I mean, I've never met many people, and they've all been edgy and mean and shit, but still, you're so amazing." He squeezes me gently. "I love you so so much. I don't think you know how much I love you. I can't express it in words."

I roll onto my stomach and look at him. I caress his cheekbone with my fingers, and he blushes slightly. "I love you too, Fell. I love you so much."

He kisses me, softly this time, and I smile as I press my lips against his teeth. He wraps his arms around me, adjusting his jacket over my shoulder. I tilt my head slightly to deepen the kiss, and he pulls the blankets over us. I pull away and rest my forehead against his. He smiles, and so do I.

"Oh, I love you so much." He hugs me tightly, as if he's scared to let go. I hug him back, and we curl up under the blankets. He pulls away and drapes his jacket over my head, then chuckles as I giggle. I poke my head out from under it and look at him, caressing his cheek.

"I love you too." I whisper.

I roll onto my back, laying next to him as we stare up at the ceiling. He pauses, then looks at the clock. He grabs my hand and teleports us to the roof of my house with a blanket and a pillow. I squeak in surprise and cling to him as we lay back down on the roof.

"Heh, sorry for not warnin' ya." He chuckles as he runs his fingers through my hair. He drapes the blanket over us and I put his jacket on. "I just wanted to come up here and see the stars. I've never seen 'em before."

I smile and kiss him. "Well, here they are."

"They're gorgeous." He whispers, then looks at me. "Not as gorgeous as you, though~"

I giggle and kiss him. He pulls me against his side, and I set my head on his shoulder. He sighs and rests his head against mine. I lace my fingers with his as he wraps his other arm around me. I adjust myself and snuggle closer to him. He kisses the top of my head, and I giggle.

"I love you." He murmurs.

"I love you too." I kiss his cheek, and he smiles. I let out a yawn, and he ruffles my hair.

"Go to sleep." He says softly. "I'll keep ya warm tonight."

I snuggle even closer as he wraps his arms around me. I close my eyes and set my head on his chest, and then I feel sleep overtake me.


A/N: wooo this book is over! The last couple of chapters took so much energy out of me. :sob:

But it's done! :D Yes, it was fun to write, but I'm glad it's over. It took a lot of energy out of me, getting these out. I was struggling more than usual trying to get this one done-

I should say this here, though I can't say much (mostly because I have basically nothing planned), but I will be working on another book as soon as I get an idea! I have two ideas in mind, and I'm trying to figure out how to turn them into books.

My Nightmare x Reader book is STILL in progress, though it's more of a side project at this point. So expect slow updates :D.

My Killermare book is CANCELLED. That is part of a part of my life that is OVER. I wish to forget that part of my life. So that book is cancelled.

My Spamton x Reader book is still on hiatus. I don't know how to work on that, but I'll figure it out, haha.

My EMV book is on a half-hiatus, mostly because I'm stuck on Desire's backstory. He's like a branch I need to move in order to move on, and I can't go around it :'D So be patient with me please. I'll get there.

Kind of the same with My Villain Rewritten. It's gonna be slow. I'll finish it eventually, but it's more of a side project.

Anyways, I hope this book was good! I know it had a lot of dark themes and a lot of rape and shit, but not everyone's life is perfect :]

Farewell for now, my lovely readers, and stay tuned~!

*Sighnerd disappears, leaving behind a knife and an axe. You go to pick them up, but then a crow swoops out of the sky, picks them up, and turns to dust. The knife and axe disappear, too.

*You stare at the spot the crow was at, confused, then shake your head and sit down, waiting for news on this new project Sigh has planned.

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now