How I Want You

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New York, New York
March 24th

Kasey L.

"We're going to have a mandatory training coming up in the next month or so. Everyone is required to have three days of training. You all can choose the days you wish to have, but do it quickly so I can put up the schedule." Henry told all of us while papers were passed around.

I leaned up against the wall, bored to death while I waited for the stack of papers to come my way. I was pulled out of my office for this meeting to discuss a few things. Such things being our annually retraining that was mandatory at the hospital. Cory, the owner, may have been a cool dude but he didn't play around. He wanted all of his employees to be upscale and well trained for any circumstance. Reason for the training and doctoral program he organized here.

Normally, I'd be fine with doing both. However, this time around I just wasn't feeling it. I wasn't feeling this place either. Certainly that feeling was going to leave soon as I get some alone time and got my head straight. For right now while I'm in the mood, I couldn't stand this place or the people that worked here too.

The stack of papers reached me. I took one then passed it along, reading it over. There were several dates starting from today until the end of April. I was going to pick my dates for this training early so I could get it over with. Hopefully, I don't end up with someone I don't like. That was damn near everyone in this trauma unit. Expect for Henry, Kendrick, Sally, and Natasha. They were cool people. Everyone else pissed me off someway, somehow.

They were the main reason why I went on vacation in the first place. If I hurry up and finish what I need to do, I could get me another two-week vacay. Or a few days off. Hell, I'll take anything at this point. Whatever kept me away from here less and more with Xena. That's all I want.

"Before you all leave, I want to also make known that there's an assignment coming up that's also mandatory as well. Let's assure our scores are perfect or else there'll be some reassigning." Henry mentioned, peering his eyes over his glasses at everyone. I could name a few people that he was calling out but chose to stay quiet. That wasn't my business.

"If there aren't any questions, you all can go on. There's donuts and croissants here if anyone wants one. Let's have a good shift today!" He enthusiastically said.

Soon as the coast was clear, I leaned off the wall and exit the room. Finally a breath of fresh air. I shoved my hands in my pockets, quickly walking to my office. No one said anything to me and I said nothing back. I was loving that. Just as I reached my office I saw Harmony coming my way.

"Kasey!" She shouted my name, skipping towards me. I gave her a tight hug once she reached me. I haven't seen her in a while and already know what she was over here for.

Once we pulled apart, she looked up at me and crossed her arms. "I know you have time, so..." she dragged out.

I nodded. "I will have lunch with you." I answered for her without hearing the question. I desperately needed to get out of here so having lunch was fine.

Harmony squealed, clapping her hands together. "Yay!" She exclaimed.

"Give me a second," I told her. She nodded then stood off to the side. I entered my office, placed the paper down on the desk, and grabbed my wallet.

Leaving out, I shut the door behind me then held my arm out. She connected her arm with mine and we started walking with each other. If I needed my mood to be lifted, I could surely count on my girl, Harmony. She was the only woman friend I ever had that was truly that, a friend. There's never been any feelings amongst us even before her and Delmar got together. It was a true and genuine friendship that I adored. And I'm positive she adored it as well. She was my sister.

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