Life's Punching Bag

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New York, New York
May 23rd

Kasey L.

I snipped the thread then placed the scissors in the grey pan Tee was bolding. "Stitches are tied. Patient is stable." I said aloud to my team while reading the monitor.

Seeing that my patient vital signs were normal, I gave Robert the signal that the surgery was up. I step back and allowed my team to finish as I had other things to do. I took off my disposable gown and my gloves, putting it on the appropriate bin. I exited out the surgery room and was met with Nurse Elenor.

"Interrupting me while I'm in surgery is a no, Elenor." I told her, moisturizing my hands with the hand sanitizer. I don't know what made her think that barging into my surgery room was even remotely appropriate. I could've messed up at any point and lose my patient.

"I know. I know and I'm extremely sorry. However, there's someone here that's causing a fuss and wants to see you immediately." She stressed. The both of us started walking together.

"That doesn't make it right to barge in during surgery." I condemned her action earlier.

She nodded. "Yes, sir. I'm sorry." She apologized.

"It's fine. Now, who is this patient that needs me?" I questioned.

Whoever it was better have a good damn reason for creating chaos just to see me. I was working so whatever they needed better be important too. I wasn't in the mood to deal with any nonsense from anyone today since I didn't have the time or energy. I was exhausted per usual and was running on only two hours of sleep. I was on call last night and had to be brought in at eight for an emergency surgery. Only for me to stay throughout the night and until my shift this afternoon. So, I wasn't in the mood for shenanigans.

"It's your mother. Pearl." Elenor answered.

I stopped abruptly to process what was said. Elenor realized I wasn't walking with her anymore and turned to face me. Of course it was my mother who was here to make my life a living nightmare. I couldn't get a break from my family for nothing. I don't know what I had to do to get them to leave me be but something had to be done.

"Is everything-" I held my hand up to stop Elenor from speaking. I didn't want to hear anything from her either. I started walking ahead of her to the lobby. I overheard yelling and recognized it as Pearl's voice. She was at the desk, hollering at the nurses and smacking her hand on it. Embarrassing.

"Mom!" I called out as I headed to her. I grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the desk.

"Are you crazy?" I sarcastically asked once we were far from everyone else. This hospital may have had its crazy moments here or there but any other time it was peaceful. Pearl coming in here with her head blown up and screaming like she didn't have any sense was ridiculous.

"No, I'm not crazy. These people in here had me waiting for half an hour to see you. What kind of hospital does that?" She questioned while crossing her arms.

"I was in surgery. You were told that. There's no need for you to throw a temper tantrum." I remarked.

"Whatever. When I need to see you then I need to see you. No excuses."  I rolled my eyes at her sense of entitlement. I see that never fades away as she gets older.

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