A Brand New Woman

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New York, New York
May 21st

Kasey L.

Waking up this morning was odd. The atmosphere hasn't felt this way since the arrival of Xena. Now, it was feeling this way because of the silence. Hearing a cackle made me look up from my phone and see Xena at the stove cooking bacon. I had forgotten she was in here with me up until I heard the bacon. She was never this quiet in the morning or ever honestly. It had my wondering what was wrong, if there was something wrong.

There was obviously a problem and I assumed it was about yesterday. It made sense to me. I had a feeling me putting my foot down would change things. I don't remember raising my voice at her. I stayed calm while I got everything off my chest. My baby was sensitive so even my calmness had her upset. I felt bad now. Hearing barking made me look away from her. I'll figure out what was wrong later. For now, I had to deal with someone else.

"Stupid ass fucking dogs! Get off me!" I overheard Tom cursing. Seconds later, he entered the kitchen while Bluey, Minnie, and Poppy were nibbling at his ankles.

"Get. Off. Me." He repeated while kicking his foot at them. I was unsure if he hit them but they continued barking at him anyway. I wasn't going to stop them either despite not wanting to hear the barking this early in the morning.

"Don't kick my dogs." I told him.

"Move your dumbass dogs then." He snapped back. He finally got loose of them and came in the kitchen like he belonged.

"Why are you here?" I questioned while watching him.

He took a seat at the counter beside me and ignored my question. I was surprised he knew where I resided actually. By now one would know that I don't disclose much information on my life to my family. It wasn't their business and I wasn't trying to be brought into some nonsense. But saying that was bullshit because my entire family was filled with nonsense. That was our middle names.

"I was in the neighborhood." He responded.

I furrowed my brows, "You were in the neighborhood? You live three hours from here, Tommy." I caught him in his lie.

He was never a good one so I never understand why he tried with me. His ass definitely needed something from me. There was no other reason for his presence. He could say otherwise but I knew him far too well.

"Whatever. Hey, when you make my plate, don't add the fruit on my pancakes." He said in an orderly way.

I looked at Xena to stop her but seen she had already started making two plates on her own. Tommy shouldn't be getting anything because he wasn't supposed to be here. But I let it be this one time since I was trying to pick up this new vibe Xena had. I really hope it wasn't because of yesterday. I wasn't trying to be an asshole towards her. All I needed was for her to understand that I want the best for her. I didn't like seeing her sad, especially if it was because of me. I'll deal with it later.

Xena finished both plates and handed them to Tommy and I. "See!" Tommy exclaimed and catching my attention.

"This is what women are supposed to be doing. Obeying their male partners, cooking and cleaning. None of that arguing or back and forth stuff that they do when given orders." He fussed.

"Don't bring that gender role crap over here." I told him, not wanting to hear any of that. If he wanted to live life like it was the 1920s then he could do that at his house. Over here there was none of that.

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