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IT FEELS AS IF WE WERE DRIVING FOR WHAT SEEMS LIKE HOURS. My legs started to cramp up from being in the car for so long. My nerves bursting out with excitement as I moved into my new home town.

"Are we almost there?" I whined asking my parents

"For the millionth time, no. A couple more minutes." My mom told me

After a little while I saw that we passed a sign "THE CITY OF FORKS WELCOMES YOU."

"We're almost there." My dad announced from the driver seat

As we drove more we started pulling into a drive way.

Our new home.

A fresh start.

A three of us got out of the car and start putting are belonging in the house. I ran upstairs with my boxes and walked into the first room I see. I drop the boxes down on the floor and looked out my window. I had a window seat.

A knock on my door, making me snap up.

"Hey honey, I got a cake from grocery store can you take it over to the neighbors and introduce yourself. I think they have a daughter your age." My mom told me

I rolled my eyes as my mom leaned against my door frame holding the cake in her hands

"It'll be good for you, make some friends before you go to a new school." My mom told me

I didn't move

"Go!" My mom told me holding the cake out for me to grab

I groaned grabbing the cake from her hands and walking downstairs, opening the front door and walking down to my neighbors house.

I made it to the front door and knocked gently on the door.

Not a few seconds later, a girl with pale skin and long brown hair answers the door

"Hi, I'm Delilah. Me and my parents just moved next door from you and I wanted to introduced myself." I smiled

"Hey, I'm Bella and it's nice to meet you. I just moved in too yesterday." Bella told me

"Oh cool. How was the trip down from..." I trailed off not knowing where she was coming from

"Arizona. And it was okay. Will you be going to school tomorrow at the high school?" She asked me

"Uh yeah." I told her

"Well, we could ride together if you want. I won't know anybody and it will be nice to know a familiar face." Bella tells me

"Yeah, that would awesome, thanks!" I told her with a smile handing her the cake

"Yeah...it was nice meeting Delilah. I'll see you tomorrow morning." Bella smiled going back inside her home and closing the door

I turned on my heels and walked back to my house quickly

It was really cold. I really should have grabbed my jacket before leaving my house. That was dumb of me.

I walked back upstairs to my room to see my bed frame with my mattress on it. I took out my comforter and start putting it on my bed. By the time I finished decorating my room and getting it situated, it had finally become night outside.

I walked over towards my window and sat down on my window seat looking out at the dark forest in front of me.

I heard my mom call for dinner.

I walked downstairs to see my dad holding a pizza box

"There better be pepperoni!" I stated jokingly

"You know it!" My dad told me and I logged

My mom smiled shaking her head at me and my dad

"You guys are silly." My mom laughed

We sat down and ate our pizza laughing, talking. We talked about dad's doctor job he has. He told us he was little bit nervous but he knew what he was getting into too.

I talked about school and thing I was excited about. I excused myself going up to my room taking a shower and changing into my pjs and getting into to bed knowing I should get a full rest of sleep for school tomorrow.

It was gonna be a long day tomorrow.



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