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THE NEXT DAY IN THE CLEARING IN THE WOODS. Me and Jasper face Edward and Bella. We're in the center of the field. Me and Jasper stands several paces behind Edward.

I hold onto Jasper arm

"You're not fighting? What, you pull a muscle or something?" Jacob asked him

"He's doing it for me. Okay?" Bella told him

Jacob looks at Bella, at Edward, shakes his head with disdain.

"Whatever. Just tell me the plan." Jacob told us

Jasper steps forward slightly making me drop his arm

"This field will give us an advantage in battle. We can lure the newborns with Bella's scent, but it needs to end here." Jasper told him

"Edward and I are going to a campsite. But even if he carries me, they'll pick up our scents." Bella explained to Jacob

"Your smell, however, is revolting." Edward told Jacob

I looked at Jasper annoyedly, I was so tried of hear these two argue constantly.

"Dude, you really don't want to start comparing stinks." Jacob told him

"He means, your scent will mask Bella's if you carry her." I told him

"Done." Jacob quickly answered

"This is a bad idea." Edward told Me and Jasper

"Edward, they won't want to get anywhere near his..." I trialed off trying to find the right word

"Odor." Jasper finished I nod agreeing with him

"Let's just test it." Bella said

Edward finally nods. She extends her arms to Jacob. He grins, picks her up, holding her tight

"Eau de wolf, comin' up." Jacob stated


Jacob runs off with Bella into the trees. After a little while, Jasper runs off into the woods to see if he picks up on Bella's scent leaving Me and Edward alone.

"What am I gonna do if she gets up hurt because of me." Edward told me

"She won't, we'll protect her. We will keep her safe." I reassured him

He looked at me

"Like we did with you? Look what happened when we couldn't protect you. Is that how Bella's gonna head up?" Edward questioned

"We won't let that happen." I told him

On cue Jasper jogs out of the woods

"All I picked up was wolf stanch. No Bella. This will work." Jasper stated to Edward as he walk up beside me

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