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JASPER AND ME GET'S INTO HIS CAR PARKING IN THE DRIVE WAY. As soon as we got into the car, Jasper started up the car and we started driving to our destination.

"Your dad has mixed feelings about me." Jasper stated

"He'll warm up to you, I promise." I told him

I look towards the back seat and saw a baseball bat

"And since when do vampires like baseball?" I asked him

"Well...it's the American pastime. Plus there's a thunderstorm coming. It's the only time we can play. You'll see why." Jasper told me

Sot clouds gather in the sky as Me and Jasper pull up in his car. I take in a rough baseball diamond, set into an enormous field in the lap of the Olympic peaks.

Esme and Emmett come to greet Me

"Good thing you're here too, we need a couple of umpire." Esme told me as I look behind Esme to see Bella talking with Edward

"She thinks we cheat." Emmett with a big crooked grin

"I know you cheat. Call 'em as you see 'em Delilah, along with Bella."

It's time." Alice announced

Just as a deep rumble of thunder shakes the forest

And it extraordinary. Me and Bella stay by Esme who plays catcher. Alice pitches with lighting-fast speed. Edward and Emmett takes positions in the outfield.

Rosalie smashes the ball with the aluminum bat. It cracks like thunder and is followed directly by real thunder.

"Now I see what you need the thunder." I said to Esme

The ball shoots like a meteor deep into the forest, rocketing through the trees. Edward disappears after it.

"That has to be a home run." Bella stated

"Edward's very fast." Esme told Bella

Rosalie darts around the bases, almost a blur. Edward races out of the forest with the ball and ships it to home plate. Esme catches it a millisecond before Rosalie slides in.

"You're out." Bella tells Rosalie

Rosalie gets up and if looks could kill Bella would be dead

I place my hand on Rosalie's shoulder

"You'll get 'em' next time." I smile at her

She nods smiling at me as she move past me

Esme nods...amazed, I watch as Dr. Cullen hits a line drive. Edward and emmet race for the catch, diving 15 feet and colliding with side might that it sounds like enormous boulders falling. They miss the ball meaning Dr. Cullen is safe!

Jasper was next, he grabbed his bat and did a couple tricks with it smirking at me making me blush.

"Show off." I whisper knowing he could hear

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