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BACK IN FORKS, we see Renesmee touching benjamin's cheek

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BACK IN FORKS, we see Renesmee touching benjamin's cheek. Then Benjamin takes Renesmee's hand and uses his power to entertain her

Me and Jasper were next to Bella and Edward

"Benjamin can influence the elements." Edward informed us, I watched him in awe

Jasper looked at me, smiling as I stared at Benjamin, I was mainly watching his gift.

"And here I get super self controlled." Bella stated

Suddenly we all hear something fast move in the woods getting closer to us, suddenly we see two female vampires appear out of nowhere

"Who are they?" I asked

"Senna and Zafrina. From the Amazon." Edward told me

Bella and Edward take Renesmee to Senna and Zafrina with me and Jasper behind them

The arrival of Senna and Zafrina meant that our plea was being heard in even the most remote corners of the world while others searched for witnesses closer to home. A patriot Carlisle first met on the battlefield at Yorktown would become our most unlikely ally.

We see as the different vampire clans gather at the Cullens home

Each of them was won over. Each was made to see. Carlisle convinced his Irish friends to make the journey to Forks. Although we were grateful for their help, their thirst for human blood complicated the situation. The nomads Rosalie and Emmett sent were even more unpredictable. Especially Peter who had fought alongside Zane and Jasper as a newborn.

As Jacob looks around the room at all the vampires

"Lotta red eyes around here." Jacob stated

"They agreed not to hunt in the area." I muttered to him

"But they'll feed somewhere." Jacob stated looking at me

I looked back at him and looked down at my feet

As more vampires set foot in their territory, more Quileutes turned. Their nature compelling them to join the pack.

Finally, Carlisle and Esme returned with our last witness.

"How many came?" Carlisle asked

"Eighteen. You have some good friends." Edward smiled

"And Alice?" Esme asked Me and Bella

Me and Bella shake our head indicating that Alice has still not returned, Esme hugs Bella and then me

"We'll all be on Aro's list now. Centuries on the run. That's what you've brought me. Some friend, Carlisle." Alistair stated

"Alistair, come meet everyone." Carlisle chuckled

"I already told you, if it comes to a fight, I won't stand against the Volturi." Alistair stated to Carlisle

"It won't come to a fight" Carlisle stated

"I'll be in the attic." Alistair stated

We watch as Alistair jumps up onto the roof and walks off

I frowned

"He's not a people person." Esme informed us

We opened our home to 18 vampires. Many with gifts of their own. Zafrina had power over the mind. She could make anyone see what she wanted them to.

Me and Bella watch as Zafrina makes Jasper and Edward see something in the forest

"If I weren't holding your waist right now, I could swear this was real." Jasper stated as his gripped tightens around me

"I know right." Edward stated as he held Bella's hand

"I don't see anything." Me and Bella stated in unison

"Edward, you didn't tell me your wife is a shield. Or Delilah for that matter." Eleazar stated looking at Edward and Jasper

"What's a shield?" Me and Bella asked

Edward and Jasper look at each other. Edward and Jasper suddenly understands and smiles

"The ones we've met are so different." Jasper stated looking down at me in awe

"It's a defensive talent." Eleazar stated

"It's why Edward couldn't read your mind, even before you turned. It's why Aro couldn't. It why I couldn't feel your emotions." Jasper stated to me

"You both have a very powerful gift." Eleazar stated

Suddenly Kate takes both mine and Bella's hand

"Oh, yeah, they're a shield, all right. Shoulda put them on their asses." Kate stated

"Or your voltage has been exaggerated." Garrett stated to Kate

"Maybe it only works on the weak." Kate stated

Kate puts her hand up, daring Garrett to try and touch her

"Garrett, I wouldn't." Carlisle stated to Garrett

Garrett touches his finger to Kate's hand and he's instantly electrocuted and falls to the ground

"You are an amazing woman." Garrett stated

"Awe!" I quietly said but everyone turned to me with smiles

"What? I love love." I smiled

Jasper chuckled at me


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