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ME AND JASPER WERE IN OUR SHARED BEDROOM. Him kissing my neck. I giggled as he continued to kiss my neck. Me in nothing but his shirt and my underwear. We had been in bed all day which probably isn't good for us but who cares.

He pulls away

"We have to get out of this room." I stated to him

"Do we?" Jasper questioned staring into my eyes

I chuckled getting up from the bed and I put some clothes on.

Jasper lean back watching me get dressed

"Yes, you need to help with the wedding stuff and I need to help Alice with the dress, and we still need last minute details on the cake and..." I was cut off by Jasper

"I get it Delilah, you're super busy. Go do your stuff. I'll be down in a minute." Jasper told me

"Okay." I pecked his lips

"Delilah." Jasper spoke up i turned around to face him

"You haven't told your parents have you?" Jasper asked me

"No." I sped downstairs trying to avoid that conversation, I was just kind of scared to bring up the fact that I got engaged right after mine and my dad conversation from a couple months ago.

After Jasper asked me to marry him I couldn't get that conversation out of my head.

Maybe that's a sign that my parent won't take it well when I do tell them.

I saw Alice and Bella waiting for me

"Sorry for the wait." I smiled and they smiled back at him

Alice and Bella exchange a look with smiles on their faces

Bella held her wedding shoes up.

"Alright, let's get these shoes on and let's get outside." I stated to them

We were now outside on the porch well Bella tried to break in her shoes

"You just have to break them in." Alice stated simply

"I've been breaking them in. For three days. Can I just go barefoot?" Bella asked Alice

"Wrong question, Bells." I stated to her

"No! Absolutely not." Alice told her

"Just thinking it's a little much, you know? The dress and the shoes and all of this." Bella told idk

We turn around to see Jasper and Carlisle carrying benches for the wedding.

"No, it's exactly enough. Tomorrow will be perfect." Alice stated

Emmett comes in carrying a long tree trunk

"Where do you want them, boss?" Emmett asked Alice

"On either side of the aisle." Alice announced

Rosalie walks past behind Emmett carrying a fat tree stump

"What aisle?" Rosalie asked

"Does no one have vision?" Alice asked

"No one but you Alice." I stated rolling my eyes

Bella takes off her shoes and puts her converses back on. She looks up into a window and looks at Edward who is watching his family get set up for the wedding.

I noticed that Alice hadn't came back yet.

"You, go home and get lots of beauty sleep. That's an order." I stated to Bella

"Okay." Bella told me

Me and Bella hug. Bella walks away leaving the shoes on the porch. I pick up the shoes and look at them smiling.

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