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JACOB HAD FINALLY CAME BACK. Jacob was now defending himself to Me, Bella, and Edward.

"Look, I solved the problem, you were leaving. What did you expect me to do?" Jacob questioned

"You don't realize the danger you've put him in. The volturi will kill anyone who knows about us." Bella stated to Jacob

"No, I didn't tell him about you. Just me. I only said you were different." Jacob quickly stated

"And that we have a niece who we adopted." Edward stated

"I mean, seriously, Jake, Charlie's not gonna let this go." I told him

"Did you consider the physical pain he'll put Bella through? It'll be like sticking a white hot branding iron down her throat. And that's assuming she can control her thirst." Edward stated making his wife look at him

"Look, Charlie's been in hell. And I know you'll be much happier with him in your life." Jacob told Bella

"Jacob, don't try and pretend you're going this for anyone but yourself." Edward told Jacob

"Sorry you feel that way because he'll be here in 10 minutes." Jacob told us

"What?" Me and Bella said in unison

The cullens help Bella prepare to meet Charlie; Alice places contact lenses in her eyes.

"These will irritate your eyes at first." Alice told her

"The math thing is not to move to fast." Carlisle told her

"Try taking a seat. Crossing your legs." I motioned to the seat

Bella gets up to take a seat, but she moves to fast and slams into the seat

"Maybe a tad slower. Hmm." Esme stated

"And blink at least three times a minute." Alice told Bella

Bella started blinking repeatedly


"For a cartoon character." Jacob jokingly stated

I chuckle softly at him

"Hold your breath. It will help with the thirst." Carlisle told Bella

"Just don't forget to move your shoulders so it looks like you're breathing." Edward told his Wife

Bella starts moving her shoulders up and down

"And don't sit so straight. Humans don't do that." Rosalie told her

"Okay. I got it move around, blink, slouch." Bella stated getting up out of her seat

We hear Charlie's car park up outside the house

"Good luck." Esme told Bella

Everybody leaves the room, I see that Jasper was sitting down in the living room reading. I stand in front of him with his book covering his face. He moves the book down from his face, looks at me, and then puts the book back in front of him jokingly, I slapped his shoulder and he laughed throwing the book down on the table in front him. He grabbed my wrist pulling me down to sit next to him. We talk, he reads to me a little. Eventually I get up living him in the living room. Going into Renesmee's room where I see her, laying in her crib.

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