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THE NEXT DAY WAS BETTER, ME AND JAPSER TALKED EVERYTHING OUT. We decided after we got married we would adopt a kid. We were now currently packing up our bags, we planed on riding with Bella and Edward and Jacob and Renesmee. Of course we would go in different cars because we wouldn't have fit in Edward's car.

"All right. Let's get this show on the road." Jacob stated with his bag slung over his back

Jacob sees Sam walking up the house; Sam gives Carlisle a note

"Alice asked me to give you that. She and Zane crossed our lands to the ocean last night." Sam explained to us

Carlisle reads the note and looks at the us

"Carlisle?" Esme asked

"They've left us." Carlisle announces

"Why?" I asked

"She didn't say." Carlisle stated

"Can I see that?" I asked him

Carlisle gives Alice's note to Me as bella stands behind me looking at the note also

"Gather as many witnesses as you can before the snow sticks to the ground. That's when they'll come." Alice note read

I turn the note over and sees that it's a page torn from 'The Merchant of Venice' by William Shakespeare

Alice's instructions were clear, but the question remained. Why would she and Zane leave at the moment we needed them most? What did they know? Our search for witnesses began with a trip north to our closest relatives.

Me and Jasper were in the car, it was kind of silent as we tried to collect our thought and tried to process that the volturi was after us again.

Me and Jasper drive up behind Bella and Edward up to the Denali's house, Jasper and Edward gets out of the car and walks up to them

"Edward, Jasper is everything all right? Why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Tanya asked then

"Is it lrina? Have you heard from her?" Carmen asked them

"Not directly." Jasper  stated

"Why is your bride and fiancée waiting in the car?" Eleazar asked then

"And why have you brought a wolf with you? I can smell him from here." Kate stated

"Our family is in danger. I need your help." Edward stated

"What's happened?" Carmen asked him

"It's hard to explain but I need you to be open-minded. Can you do that?" Edward asked them

"Of course." Tanya said

We all get out the car and the Denali's are immediately shocked at seeing Renesmee

They gasp at the sight of Renesmee

"The Volturi will come for all of us." Kate whispers to Tanya

"You get that thing out of here." Tanya demanded

"This is a crime!" Tanya shouted

Tanya suddenly attacks Edward and Jasper grabs Tanya by her neck and drops her to the ground, Kate then attacks both Jasper and Edward but I quickly jump in and throws Kate aside, using my red scarlet powers then both Kate and Tanya move to attack Edward, Jasper and Me.

"Stay back!" I shouted

Bella and Jacob and Renesmee is now next to me

"She has blood in her veins. You can feel her warmth." Edward explained

"I can feel it." Carmen stated

Jasper moves over towards me and grabs my hand holding it

"I'm her biological father. Bella is her mother." Edward told them

"lmpossible." Kate stated

"It's true. She was born while I was still human." Bella told them

"I've never heard of such a thing." Eleazar stated

"She can show you, if you let her." Edward stated

As Jacob brings Renesmee towards the Denali's

"Tanya, you owe us this much. We're all under a death sentence because your sister didn't let us explain." Edward told her

Jacob brings Renesmee closer to Tanya, Renesmee goes to place her hand on Tanya's cheek. Tanya moves back out of fear.

"Don't be afraid. This is how she communicates." I told her

Renesmee touches Tanya's cheek, letting her feel her memories, Tanya suddenly understands and turns to her family

"It's true. She's not immortal." Tanya told them

I knew the rest of our family would face this fear as well. Fear of the unknown. Fear of the Volturi.

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