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TRUTH BE TOLD I WAS NERVOUS TO MARRY JASPER. Today was the day, today was the day I get married to Jasper hale. Even though we were moving on in our relationship, I was still scared and nervous.

I was sat down in front of the mirror, and Alice started doing my makeup with Bella and Rosalie by her side.

Rosalie started doing my hair while Bella was steaming my dress last minute.

"Are you ready for your big day. You're marrying my brother. I'm so happy to call you my sister." Rosalie laughed and hugged me

"I know, I'm so nervous for some reason and I don't know why." I stated to her as Alice apply some concealer under my eyes

Rosalie pulled away from these short hug

"Marriage is one of the biggest life changes you'll ever go through. Even if you're already living with your partner, things can change. While that's a positive thing and certainly something to get excited about, it can also cause your mind to wander, which can lead to anxiety, but it's very common for people to be nervous before their wedding. Everything is gonna be perfect." Rosalie whispered

"She's right, your dress is ready, you're shoes are gorgeous, your hair looks amazing..." Rosalie cut in

"Thanks to me."

I chuckled

"Yup, your dress is all ready." My maid of honor told me

My maid of honor was Bella

We heard footsteps approaching up the stairs

"Delilah?" Mom called out

"Up here, Mom." I shouted

"Oh..." My mom came into the room with my dad by her side

"Oh, honey you look so beautiful, I don't wanna start crying and ruin my makeup." Mom chuckled making me chuckle at her

"Okay, who wants to see the dress!" My best friend exclaimed

"Oh wait!" Mom said making all of us turn to her

"Me and your dad bought this for you. We thought you needed something old, it's your aunt crystals, she sent it all the way from California but we added the emeralds to it." She opened the velvet box reveling a beautiful necklace with big emerald stone in the middle

"It's beautiful mom." I turned around so she could put it on

She clasped it on and I turned around smiling ready to pull her into hug but was stop by Alice

"No smudging my masterpiece, Delilah." Alice placed her hand on my shoulder

"Alright, let's put this dress on." You announced as Bella handed you the dress, you asked into the bathroom and put the dress on

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