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BELLA WAS GROWING WEAKER AND WEAKER BY THE DAY. Bella looked like a corpse. I couldn't do anything but watch, it pained me to see Bella like this. She was almost lifeless.

She looked about eight months pregnant and looks like she is ready to give birth, even though it has only been two weeks since she came home. The baby was growing fast, faster than anything I've ever saw.

I'm leaning against Jasper's chest while he supports himself on the wall behind him. Alice was sat on the sofa, and Zane sat beside her. She was still looking through her visions.

Carlisle is researching with Emmett trying to find anything possible to help Bella, and the two other women are by Bella's side making sure she was comfortable throughout her pregnancy.

As I look at Edward he has a sadden expression on his face as he watch his wife slowly fade away. He can't even do anything about it, and Bella who finally sleeps peacefully for the first time since she's been home.

The sound of a motorcycle pulling into the driveway made everyone on edge. We were wondering how we were going to explain this to Jacob considering he's bit of a hot head

When Jacob entered the house my nose was automatically filled with a wet dog smell which wasn't pleasant

"Is it true?" Jacob asks as he enters the home.

"Hello, Jacob. How are you?" Carlisle asks.

"Listen, just give it to me straight," He says.

Bella from upstairs "Jake, is that you?"

"She's here?" He asks. He was confused on why she was not on her honeymoon still.

"They came home two weeks ago." Carlisle informs him, and they hear Jacob's heavy footsteps approaching. Rosalie blocks him, he tries to move, but Rosalie still blocks him from going further.

"I'm glad you came." Bella smiled slightly.

Jacob glared at Rosalie

"Close enough, dog." Rosalie says roughly

"What's your problem?" He asks Rosalie

"Rose, It's okay." Bella tells Rosalie as she moves out of the way while Jacob walks towards Bella.

"You look terrible." Jacob says to her

"Yeah, it's nice to see you too." Bella says, trying not to be awkward about the situation.

"So, are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?" He asks.

Bella  chuckles and looks at Rose.

"Rose, wanna help me up?" Bella asked and Rose helped her.

When she stands up, the blanket that covers her stomach falls to the floor, and her shirt is pulled up, revealing her bruised stomach.
I just look away. I couldn't see my best friend like this, she looked sick and I couldn't

Jasper just rubs my lower back, trying to calm my nerves down.

Edward looks at Bella with shame and guilt.

"You did this!" Jacob yells as he approaches Edward angrily.

Jasper pushes me behind him to protect me from Jacob impulse

Emmett places his hand on Jacob's shoulder preventing him from coming any closer towards Edward. Jacob pushes Emmett's hand away and turn around to face Carlisle.

"What is it?" Jacob turns to Carlisle

"We don't know. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the amniotic sac." Carlisle tells him.

"I can't see it either and I can see Bella's future anymore either." Alice informed them.

"When we first found out about the situation my powers automatically said "Bella." "Edward." "Baby." "Sickness." "War." But my powers have been silent ever since. It's like they're scared." I adds and Jasper just looks at me with concern.

"We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong and fast-growing." Carlisle stated

"Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her." Jacob demanded

"This is none of your business, dog." Rosalie says annoyed

"Rose! All the fighting isn't good for Bella." Esme stated

"This fetus isn't good for Bella." Alice snaps at her.

"Say the word Alice, baby." Rosalie begins,

"It's just a little baby." Rosalie says once more

I was silent

"Possibly." Zane says as he moves protectively by Alice.

"Carlisle." Jacob speaks. "You have to do something."

"No." Bella warns. "It's not his decision.
It's not any of yours."

"Jacob, can I talk to you outside?" Edward asks and walks outside. Jacob follows him.

I pull Jasper to our room. I just really needed to get out of that room, and I couldn't deal with the stress anymore. It makes me want to pull my hair out.

I go to the bed and lay down trying to find some peace of mind. Jasper, follows me, lies beside me and pulls me towards his chest.

"Everything will be alright, darlin'. Bella can pull through." Jasper states and kisses me on the top of my head, and I just nods

"Can we listen to music?" I ask and looks up at him.

"Sure." He answers me and gets up and turn on his vinyl record player all of a sudden Rosyln by Bon Iver and St. Vincent starts to play

Jasper holds his hand out for me and I smile shaking my head grabbing his hand. He pulled me up from the bed and pulled me into his chest as we slowed dance to Roslyn

You look up at Jasper and he looks down at you, you both smile then lean towards each other, and our lips meet, as always. It felt like it was our first kiss, the night of Bella birthday party.

We moved in sync with passion. We both pulled away looking at one another.

Jasper smiles at you, his eyes smoldering with passion. You feel like you could get lost in his gaze alone.

Your heart fluttering in your chest. You can't help but smile, knowing that everything that happened between you two is not the end.

It's just the beginning.

Ugh the ending of this chapter makes me melt

Don't be a silent reader!

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