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ME AND JASPER WERE IN OUR ROOM GETTING READY. it had been a whole year since I talked to my parents and being truthfully I was nervous to see them today. I was getting ready in our walk in closet, only in my underwear and bra and my hair pinned up, trying to figure out what I wanted to wear. When Jasper walked in with only his pants on.

Jasper looked at me

"Darling, we told your parents that we would be at there house at 2:00 it's 1:50, darling. You're not even dressed yet." Jasper told me walking over to his shirts and put on a button down shirt

"Okay, sue me, I need to find an outfit." You told him making him go over towards your clothes pulling out a cute black skirt and a cute white shirt.

"Thank you."  You smiled and he smiled back

You put on your outfit, on with some socks. You put your knee high boots on and grab your black leather jacket.

You both walked out of the house and immediately in the car. Jasper started up the engine and you guys started driving towards your parents house which wasn't far.

You guys had finally arrived to your parents. You both walked up to the porch about to knock on the door but something stopped you.

You were scared. You didn't want this conversation to go sideways like the other time.

Jasper looked at you and placed his hand on your lower back

"We got to do this. We're in this together, I'm right here with you, darling." Jasper told me in his deep southern voice

You nod smiling and knocked on the door. Your mom opened the door and motion for you guys to come. No greeting? no hello? no how your doing? Rude

You sign and walk in with Jasper behind you, you both seat on the couch with your parents on the other side of the couch

"Hi, guys." I greeted them

They were silent with a straight faces

I look at Jasper and he looks at you

"Look, Mr and Mrs. Hart. I want nothing more than to make your daughter happy. I love your daughter so much, that it— it physically hurts, and it hurts to not be able to marry her without either of your permission. One of the reason we are here is to get you both board with this whole thing. I know your daughter is only 19 but I want what is best for her in every possible way. I wanna marry her and I was hoping I could have your blessing, please." Jasper begged them

They looked at each other, not before looking at me

"Mom, Dad. I want to marry Jasper. He's the love of my life and I want nothing more than to be with him fully. Does it bring you any type of pain to take this away from me? So I'm asking could we please have your blessing." I grabbed Jasper hand and he squeezed it gently

"They have the same love we have mark..." Mom whispered to Dad

Dad hummed looking at us

"Give us one moment."

My dad and mom walked out of the room. A couple minutes later they came back and looked at us

I looked at Jasper worriedly

Mom and dad looked at us before looking at us

"You have our blessing." Mom and Dad said unison

Me and Jasper smiled and hugged each other laughing.

I looked at my parents and hugged them both. We pulled away and they turned to Jasper, my dad shook Jasper hand out of respect.

"Please call me mark." My dad told Jasper

My mom hugged Jasper and they pulled away

After the happy moment, we all sat down
and discussed all the wedding plans we had. Me and Jasper want back home, when we Bella, Edward and Renesmee.

"Hey, how did it go?" Bella asked me

"Good! They're finally on board with everything. Now we can move forward and get this wedding together." I smiled

Bella hugged me and Renesmee joins in and hug us.

Renesmee giggled as she hugged us tighter. I looked up and saw Jasper and Edward talking. Jasper felt eyes on him and immediately looked at me and smiled

This was finally happening

Our wedding was happening

Our wedding.


Next is the wedding chapter!

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