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ME AND BELLA WALKING THROUGH THE LOBBY, SCANNING FOR ZANE AND ALICE. We spot them outside under the Porte cacher, loading the Mercedes, deep in a heated discussion. We slip out of the opposite door, and rush towards a taxi and jump in. I close the door behind me. The driver is an elderly woman with a hacking cough.

"8th and palo verde, please." Bella told the driver

The taxi pulls out. I watch as the hotel disappears.

I've never given much thought to how I would die... dying was a fear of mine so I tried now to think about it.

We finally made it the Mimi's school of dance. We climb out of the taxi. It pulls away. Leaving us on the curb facing the deserted building. Bella twirls her mothers ring around her finger,

I reach for the pepper spray

I can't bring myself to regret the decision that brought me to face to face with death...they all brought me to Jasper.

I slip the pepper spray into my jean pocket. I wrap my purse strap around my wrist. I take a deep breath, we approach the school.

I peer in the window, the blinds are drawn. But from inside we hear a faint sound

"Bella? Bella?" Bella's mom called out

It's time. We go to the front door, it's unlocked

We cautiously enters this grand, empty room of mirrors. A ballet bars wrap around the walls

"Bella, where are you?" Bella's mom asked

Bella whirls trying to find its source. We follow the sound to a cleaning supply closet. She throws it open to find

A tv screen, on the screen a video plays of Bella when she was 7

"Don't you want to dance, baby?" Bella's mom asked

Little Bella shakes her head stubbornly. The frame jiggles as Bella's Mom hands someone the camera. Bella's mother kneels next to Bella

"Everyone makes fun of me." Bella told her mother

"But you're a wonderful dancer." Bella's mother told her

"Mom, I suck." Bella say

Laughter behind Me and Bella we spin around trying to locate James in the mirrors

"That's my favorite part. Stubborn child, weren't you?" James questioned

Bella's face flushes with rage...and relief

"She's not here." I stated

"Sorry. But you guys made it too easy." James told us

Visible in the mirror,. He signs disappointedly. Then he steps next to us and posting a video camera at Me and Bella

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