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LOUD, BELCHING AND TURING HEADS AS BELLA PARKS, MORTIFIED. All eyes are on us as we climb out of her truck, we walked towards school, as we begin

Me and Bella make our way thru kids who stare openly; a few braves ones say hi. They're all talking about us. This is hell.

Me and Bella wander thru the Walkway looking for room numbers, lost.

Constant stares at Me and Bella, the outsider's

Series ends when a sweet, nerd-cute, motor mouth boy appear in my path.

"You're Delilah Hart and you're Isabella swan, the new girls. Hi. I'm Eric. The eyes and ear of this place. Anything you need. Your guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on." Eric tells us

Me and Bella look at each other. Is he for real?

"I'm kind of the "suffer in silence" type." Bella told him

"Good headline for your feature I'm on the paper, and you two are news, baby, front page." Eric told us

I rolled my eyes

"I-no I'm not news- I'm, seriously not at all." Bella seemed to start panicking

"Whoa, chillax. No feature." Eric told her

"Would you mind just pointing us towards Mr. Varner's class?" I asked him

He lead us away, enjoying the attentive stares, as we cringe from them.

"You two missed a lot of the semester, but I can hook you up. Tutor, cliff notes, medical excuse..." Eric told us

"Nice to know." You smiled

Me and Bella had our first class together which was gym, I loved gym class

The boys basketball team runs drills on half the basketball court. A girls volleyball game occupies the other half.

Bella, in gym clothes, avoids the volleyball like it's radioactive. Unlike me I try to dive for the ball but it goes out.

Am energetic, athletic team captain, motivates the players

"Block it, Chloe! Yeah! Good attack!" The captain says

Unfortunately, the volleyball heads toward Bella. She closes her eyes and flails at it, smacking it. It flies off court.

And beans a basketball player in the head. Good looking, affable, with blond spiky hair.

"Ow!" Mike say.

Bella hurries to him while I stand next to the captain

"Go try with that ball back there." The captain told me


"You tried diving to get it back in. I like that." She smiles

I smile back

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