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JACOB HAD FINALLY COME BACK TO TELL US SOME BAD NEWS. some bad news we didn't expect at all. "Sam's lost the element of surprise, and he doesn't want to take you outnumbered. So, he's not going to come at you head-on. He's got the place surrounded, and he'll wait for his opportunity." Jacob informs us

Everyone in the room had become worried, another problem after another.

"We won't get through without a fight."
Emmett states.

"No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty." Carlisle tells them.

"The treat is void, at least in Sam's mind." Jacob says.

"Not in ours." Esme responds.

"Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks." Emmett stated

"We'll make do." Esme says with a small smile.

"So we're basically on house arrest? They're really gonna keep us from hunting?" I asked clearly irritated at the whole situation

"It looks like it." Zane says also annoyed at the situation

I shook my head in disbelief

"You've done us a great service, Jacob.
Thank you." Carlisle tells him with a nod.

Days went by super slow each day was hard for us since it was like a third degree burn inside our throats. It can make a vampire literally crazy for relief because we hadn't fed for three weeks now.

We had to keep ourselves busy to try and ignore the thirst that we were feeling.
It was hard for us, especially for Jasper, and Zane since they were still practicing their control, and jasper could also feel the blood lust radiating off of his other siblings, so he would often stay in our bedroom to keep away from all of his siblings.

I was always there to accompanied him, we would talk, or dance, I was trying to help him but he was trying to relief himself of the bloodlust by himself but I was also trying to control my bloodlust as well. It was hard, hard for the both of us.

Carlisle, Rosalie, and Esme were the only vampires who could control themselves around Bella.

We were now agathered in the living room. Me and Alice were playing a board game trying to distract ourselves from the painful burning feeling in our throats.

"You cold?" Edward asks his wife, as he sees his wife tugging at the ends of her sleeves

Bella nods.

"I got it." Jacob says, as he moves towards Bella as his body radiates heat for her, Bella just smiles at him brightly, but you can still see the pain in her eyes.

"Don't do that." Jacob says.

"Do what?" She asks curiously.

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