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ME AND THE GIRLS ARE IN ALICE'S ROOM. We decided to begin the day early just to check everything was set in place and ready to go, and to make sure everything was perfect for Bella and Edward on their special day. We sat Bella down in front of the mirror, and Alice started doing her makeup.

"What did Delilah say about beauty sleep?" Alice scolds her as she pats down some concealer under her baggy eyes.

I had just got her wedding dress out of the closet and started smoothing the wrinkles out of the beautiful satin fabric. The dress was beautiful, this day just makes me think of mine and jasper's wedding.

"Sorry, Bad dream." Bella admits.

"Wedding jitters." Bella says

"That is completely normal to be nervous for your big day. Nervousness is a natural reaction related to the fight-or-flight response, meaning you care." I told Bella

I hear Rosalie's shoes clicking through the hall and enters the room, and she slowly stops at the doorway. The three look at her, and I give her a bright smile, glad to see her.

She looks at me with a smile and soften eyes

"Do you need some help? I can do her hair?" Rosalie offers her, gesturing to Bella's hair.

"Really?" Bella asks her, shocked at Rosalie's offer.

"Please, I'm not offended by your choice of groom." Rosalie says

"Just my lack of respect for mortality." Bella comments with a small smile.

"Essentially." Rosalie says and begins doing her hair in a messy bun.

"Weddings! They bring everyone together." Alice chirps. Her voice filled with happiness. She brings us into a group hug.

All of a sudden we hear Renee and Charlie walk up the stairs.

"Are those graduation caps?" Charlie asks.

"How creative." Renee comments

"Bella?" Renee calls out

"In here mom." Bella stated

"Oh gosh, you're so beautiful," Renee gushes. "Oh, honey." She starts to tear up.

"Crap, my mascara." She curses.

I walks towards her and gave her a handkerchief.

"Thanks." Renee says and daps under her eyes

"Charlie, get in here!" Renee calls Charlie

"You sure? I don't wanna." We look at him with a smirk, Bella looks shocked at how good Charlie looked in his suit.

Charlie notices he chuckles.

"I know, I look hot."

"We thought you needed something blue." Renee begins, and Charlie opens a velvet box and reveals a hair comb with beautiful blue sapphires.

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