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THE SUN HAS COME OUT AND SO HAS THE SKIN. Kids are in shorts thought it's still barely sixty degrees. Everyone eats lunch outdoors. I looked around to see if I saw Jasper.

"He's not here." Jessica stated

I look down to find Jessica sitting on the grass.

"Whenever the weather's nice, the Cullen's disappear." Jessica told me

"The just...ditch? What about school?" I asked her

"No, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen yank 'em out for hiking and camping and stuff. I tried the idea out on my parents. Not even close." Jessica told me

I register this as Angela suddenly jumps on us

"I'm going to the prom with Eric! I just asked him, I took control!" Angela hugs me

"Are you sure you don't wanna go to prom?" Angela

"Yeah, those things aren't really my scene." I told her

"Oh my god, we need to hit the stores in port Angeles before the dresses get cleaned out." Jessica stated

"Port Angeles...?" I questioned as a plan starts to form in my head. "Can I go with you guys?"

"Thank god. We need your opinion."

That's not really what I had in mind...but okay

Antsy, distracted. As Jessica and Angela try on dresses. I pull a Mapquest print-out from my purse. It reads, "thunderbird and whale book store." Jessica flounces out of the changing room, posing provocatively.

"I think this halter makes my boobs look big. What do you think, Delilah?" Jessica asked me

Outside the window, a group of rowdy frat boys head toward a bar. Two of them stare at Jessica in her low-cut dress. Embarrassed, she turns to me.


"It's look great." I told her smiling

"You're not very good at this, are you?" Angela asked

"I'm gonna go to the book store and meet you at the restaurant later." I told them

"You sure?" Angela asked

I nods, heads out. Jessica looks in the mirror again

I made it to the book and store and picked up the book I was looking for.

I exit, thumbing through a book I just bought. I head down the sidewalk, but then hear footsteps behind me. I turn, and doesn't see anyone. I put the book in my shoulder bag and continues.

Someone's following me. I look around, changing course to cut across a parking lot. Unknown POV gets closer...and closer until I reach a warehouse.

Isolated. Me, breath short, scream, turns around just as two men emerge from the shadows, not vampires, but the front boys, really wasted now.

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