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WHILE THE REST OF THE FAMILY WAS GONE OUT HUNTING. Me, Rosalie, And Alice were with Bella. Jasper was in our shared bedroom staying away from the blood that was in Bella's cups

Jacob and Edward approached us

"This is pretty important Bella. Why don't you tell Jacob what you decided?" Rosalie suggested

"What, now?" Jacob asked

"Rose is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names." Edward stayed

"She hates them." Bella stated as me and Rosalie held Bella up on her feet

"Well I'm on your side no matter what you picked." Jacob stated to Bella

"If it's a boy E.J. Edward, Jacob." Bella stated

"Okay, fine, that's one not awful." Rosalie stated

"I'm sorry, But I really hate that one. Why pick that one? The two boys who were head over heels for you. Almost fought over you too." I stated

Bella turned to me

"Shut up, Delilah." Bella shut me

Everyone laughed

"Why don't you tell him the girls name?" I suggested

"I was playing around with our mother's name. Renee and Esme. And I was thinking, Renesmee." Bella revealed

"Renesmee." Jacob said

Edward laughs

"Too weird?" Bella asked


"No, that's not to weird. It's beautiful. And it's unique which certainly fits the situation. I like Renesmee." Edward commented

Rosalie grabs the cup of blood for Bella. Bella turns to Rosalie

"He likes it." Bella states as she reaches for the cup, it slips out of her hand and she reaches for it but when she reaches for it, she cracks her back and falls to her knees break them too. The cup of blood spills.

Edward speeds over towards Bella before her head hits the ground. He speeds before over to the room that we prepared for Bella to give birth in

Rosalie grab the morphine and hands it to Edward who injects it into Bella thigh. Rosalie then grabs the scalp and was ready to cut Bella stomach

Edward grabs Rosalie wrist making her come to a halt

"Let the morphine spread." Edward told Rosalie

"There's no time he's dying." Rosalie stated

"Get him out now!" Bella shouted 

Edward listened to his wife and let go of Rosalie wrist, Rosalie being the scalper to Bella stomach and makes an incision. Bella scream out in agony.

Rosalie stops and look at the scalper, smelling the blood as they invade her senses and fill her nostrils.

Rosalie looks up at at Bella

"Rosalie, don't!" I hear Edward yelling, and I runs towards her just in time. Rosalie was about to attack, but I lunged myself at her, grabbing her neck.

"Control yourself, Rosalie, please." I begged as I lead her out of the room and towards Jasper who was outside.

"You have to change her! Save her." Jacob yells to Edward

"I can't, not while he's still in there. I got to get him out first." Edward says

I see Edward trying to get the baby out of Bella, but it is no use. The scalpel won't cut through her skin, it was like her skin was made out of stone.

I immediately go to Bella side and hold her hand which she squeezes really hard

Bella's scream echoed throughout the house. It truly was a nightmare coming to life

"Bella, stay focused! Keep your heart beating!" Jacob encourages Bella

I didn't really know what to do. I mean yeah my dad was a doctor, but I have no experience with medical stuff, so all I can do is try to calm Bella down. Then I hear it, the cries of a newborn baby.

"It's Renesmee." Edward tells his wife and smiles.

"You're beautiful." Bella mutters as she looks at her newborn baby girl

Edward places Renesmee on Bella's chest as the new mother holds her daughter

"You can finally pass down that beautiful hair clip your parents gave you on your wedding day." I smile at her, who smiled at me chuckling weakly.

The three stood in the room watching Bella and her daughter Renesmee, but Bella was still in pain. She handed over the baby to Edward. I noticed that she wasn't moving anymore, her face looked lifeless, it was almost like I could hear her take her last breathe

"Bella." I shook her body, but she wasn't responding, I became worried and started panicking calling Bella's name

"Jacob, take the baby." Edward ordered as he tries to hand the baby to Jacob

"Keep that thing away from me." Jacob spits out, eyeing the baby with disgust

Rosalie approaches them "Edward I'm okay now."  Edward hesitantly gives her Renesmee. Rosalie walks out of the room taking Renesmee with her

Edward speeds over toward the drawer and grab a syringe with his venom

"What is that?" Jacob asks her, and Edward injects the needle into bella's heart

"It's his venom." I told him, they stand there waiting for any kind of reaction anything to tell us if the venom was working or if Bella was alive or not, but there is nothing. Bella was dead. My best friend was gone

"Why isn't it working?! It's supposed to be working!" I panic and looks at the two beside me

Jacob stood still, he was frozen. He was looking at Bella, his best friend who died before him. He turned to face Edward with an angered expression on his face

"I won't kill you. That will be too easy. You deserve to live with this." Jacob spits out at Edward and he walks away

I look at Edward, who is still doing chest compressions, trying to revive her

I put my hand on his shoulder signaling for him to stop. He signs and looks at me. We lost. We lost Bella. She was gone

My face become emotionless

"The wolves are coming for us." Edward tells me and looks back at his wife with a pained expression and looks back at me and nods as we exit the room leaving Bella on the hospital bed

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