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THE NEXT MORNING, BELLA AND EDWARD WALK INTO THE CULLEN'S HOUSE. Me and Jasper were sat up on the couch in each others arms, smiling and giggling as Jasper whispered sweet things into my ear

Edward and Bella looked over towards us smiling at us. Bella was happy for you. She was glad you finally found someone

"Wow, done already?" Emmett smirked at the couple who just walked inside the house

"Where's Renesmee?" Bella asked

"Blondie stole her." Jacob stated

Jacob watches Rosalie from the window as she plays with Renesmee taking a bite of the sandwich I made for him

"Break a lot of stuff?" Emmett asked them

"Emmett. No." Bella stated

Emmett laughs

Suddenly the phone rings

"Is that Charlie?" Bella asked

Me and Jasper got up from the couch and stood next to Edward and Bella

"He's been calling twice a day." Edward stated

"He's been showing up at my parents place, asking them if they've heard of anything but they know nothing. I also have been dodging my parents." I stated as Jasper rubbing my lower back

"He's in pretty rough shape." Jacob stated

"Eventually, we'll have to tell him you didn't make it." Carlisle told Bella

"He needs to Mourn, Bella." Edward stated to his wife

Jacob nods his head in agreement

"Okay, we'll do it tomorrow." Bella stated

Bella looks to me and I look to her giving her a small smile letting her know everything was going to be fine

"I'm gonna miss this place." Emmett stated

"We'll come back. We always do." Carlisle stated

"Wait. Nobody said anything about moving." Jacob stated leaning off the wall looking at everyone

"Once people believe Bella's dead, we can't risk anyone seeing her." Carlisle stated

"So you just disappear?" Jacob asked Bella

"Jacob, we don't have any other choice." Edward explained to Jacob

Upset at the prospect of losing Renesmee, Jacob leaves.

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