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EDWARD AND BELLA ENTER THE DOUBLE DOORS. Me and Jasper approach them with Alice and Zane not far behind.

I run to Bella letting go of Jasper's hand.

I embrace her.

"Happy birthday!" I laughed brightly

"Shh! Thank you." Bella quickly told me as she embraced me

We pulled away

"Bella!" Alice called out jumping over the railing with Zane behind her

"Happy-" Alice was cut off

"Shh!" Bella told her

"Birthday." Alice whispered in her ear as she hugs Bella

I rush back to Jaspers side

Over Alice shoulder, Bella sees Zane keeping his distance. He offers her a pleasant smirk and nod. Alice tries to hide her present, hoping no notices

Bella looks over at me as she looks at the present in my hand

"Alice, Delilah didn't I say no gifts?" Bella questioned

The bell rings

"You did. I didn't. I've already seen you open it and guess what? You love it. You're gonna wearing it tonight. Our place. Come on, please." Alice says

I saw that Jasper started to use his powers on Bella to make her give in

"Okay, alright." Bella gave in

Jasper smirks looking down at me

"Okay great. See you at seven." Alice turns around and walks towards Zane

"Hey. Here. Open it." I gave Bella my gift

She grabs it and look at me with a look saying she didn't want any gifts

"Come on, please. Open it. For me." You pouted sarcastically

Bella didn't give in, she slowly start to open the gift and looking at the gift in her hand. It was a photo album of Me and her.

"It beautiful, thank you. Delilah." Bella says smiling

"You're welcome." I smiled turning around to Jasper as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder

"Jasper! No fair with the mood controlling thing." Bella told him

I chuckled at her

"Sorry, Bella. Happy...Never mind." Jasper says as we walked away going to class.

Me and Jasper were now in history class. Our desk next to each other.

"World war II ended in...anyone got anything? Miss Juan? 1945." Mr Gobert told us

"So tell me about this surprise party for Bella tonight" I whispered to him

"No can do, Alice has a no snitching policy, especially when it comes to parties." Jasper whispered back

"Pearl harbor?" Mr Gobert asked

"Oh come on, I won't tell...you know me." I flirted a bit

He chuckled

"Miss Hart?" Mr Gobert asked

"Hmm?" My head popped up

"Pearl Harbor?" Mr Gobert asked


"December 7, 1941." Jasper answered for me

I smiled at Jasper

"Thank you, Miss Hart." Mr Gobert announced

"Anytime." Jasper smirked looking at me

"Very well. The fall of the Berlin Wall." Mr Gobert said

"1989. I'm good with dates, sir." Jasper stated

I smirked knowing that was true but there was more to it

"Are you? How good? Keep it to the year. Civil rights act." Me Gobert stated


"John F. Kennedy assassination."


"Martin Luther king."

" '68."



"Roe vs. Wade."


"Brown vs. Board."


"The battle of Gettysburg."


"Korean war."

"1950 to 1953."

"Ha! It ended in '52." Mr Gobert stated

"Uh, actually, sir, it was 53." Jasper stated

"Look it up, somebody. Quickly." Mr Gobert stated sternly

I quickly pulled out my phone and looked up

"It was 1953." I smirked

Mr Gobert stated

"I forget always a mistake to underestimate a..." Mr Gobert was cut off by me

"A high school student. Don't make it again." I smirked as the bell rung

Jasper quickly got out of his seat and we marched right out of class hand in hand smirking as we walked away from Mr Gobert.


Sorry for the delay, I start school up again and I was really busy

I'm sure you all caught the TVD scene in here

More updates to come!!

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