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BELLA AND EDWARD HAD FINALLY COME HOME about an hour ago. The house was immediately divided. Almost into two. Some of us supported Bella and then the rest of us just wanted Bella to be healthy again including me. I couldn't lose my best friend.

Me, Jasper, Alice, and Zane wanted the fetus to be removed since we didn't know what it was, we had done some research but there wasn't much to go on from, we didn't find much of anything, sadly.

Esme and Rosalie were at Bella's side making sure Bella was comfortable.

Edward wanted to remove it since the thing was killing Bella, We saw how thin she looked when she got home, her face was pale, her eyes were sunken in, she looked sick and he didn't want to lose his wife because of it. He loved her and he didn't want this for her.

"How can we remove it?" Edward eagerly asked Carlisle

"No! It's not your choice! It's mine." Bella stated to him

I moved out of Jasper's embrace

"Can you guys clear the room, please." I asked them, they nodded walking out of the room leaving me and Bella alone.

I walked over towards the couch where Bella sat.

I looked at her, she looked at me

"Bella...don't do this, please. I am begging you." I begged her

I could feel a presence nearEdward. He was listening in

"I can do this, Delilah. I'm strong enough to do it." Bella told me

I shook my head at her in disbelief

"You can't Bella. You see what the fetus is doing to you right now, right? It's killing you. You won't survive this, Bells." I spoke to her softly

Suddenly with my enchanted hearing I heard footsteps fading awayEdward was walking away

"You're wrong. I can do this." Bella told me

"Not without dying. And I won't be around to see you fall apart slowly." You got up from couch feeling so much anger as you watched your best friends slowly wither away. I could hear Bella calling my name but I kept walking away

You walked outside towards the forest, you felt like you wanted to scream. You wanted to punch something anything just to release a bit of anger.

"Scream." Jasper whispered in my ear

You scream out as your power releases out of your body creating a massive surge of power blowing every tree in distance of you and Jasper.

You dropped to your knees, looking at your environment around you.

Jasper looked down at me and grab my hands.

"Hey, we're gonna do everything we can to help her." Jasper told me

"There's nothing we can do. We know nothing about what's growing inside Bella right now." I stated getting up from the ground walking away from Jasper out of anger.

Jasper drops his head

He knew I was angry and he decided to give me my space



More to come

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