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THE CULLEN AND I GATHER IN THE CENTER OF THE FIELD, CONVERGING AROUND BELLA. She sees nothing through the oily smoke from the fire. Then we hear a flat female's voice.

"It appears you've done our work for us." Jane stated

From out of the mist and the smoke emerge the volturi Jane, and behind her, Felix, Demetri, and Alex. Jane assesses the scene, taking in Me and Bella, as well.

"Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude." Jane told us not taking her eyes off me

She seem jealous of me

"We were lucky." Carlisle told Jane

Jane breaks eye contact with me and looks to Carlisle

"I doubt that." Jane stated

Jasper places his hand my lower back

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight, sister." Alec stated

"Yes. It's not often we're rendered...unnecessary." Jane stated

"If only you'd arrived a half-hour earlier, you could have fulfilled your purpose here." Edward stated

"Pity." Jane looked at me

Jane then see the newborn, Bree, crouching by the fire.

"You missed one." Jane stated

"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender." Carlisle told Jane

"That wasn't yours to offer." Jane stated

As Jane moves to Bree, Esme shoots Carlisle a concerned look. Carlisle subtly shakes his head, don't.

"Why did you come?" Jane asked the newborn

Before Bree can answer, Jane focuses her power, sending an invisible searing current through Bree's body. Bree screams in pain.. Bella flinches.

"Who created you?" Jane asked

"You don't have to do that, Jane. She'll tell you anything you want to know." I told her

"Oh, I know, Delilah." Jane told me

Jasper pulls a hand on my shoulder. Bree's screaming briefly stops. Jane waits for an answer.

"I don'tknow. Riley wouldn'ttell us. He said ourthrough weren't safe." Bree stated

Jane zaps her again in about to say something but Edward beats me to it.

"Her name was Victoria...perhaps you knew her?" Edward questioned

"Bree's pain abruptly ceases. Jane faces Edward with an innocent smile that's somehow unnerving.

The other three volturi are suddenly positioned behind Jane.

Bella plants herself firmly at Edward's side. She can't protect him, but she can die trying. The air is tense. This could turn bad;. Fast. Carlisle intercedes with great and purposeful calm.

Jasper grabs my hand pulling me towards him side.

"Edward, if the volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would have stopped her. Isn't that right, Jane?" Carlisle questioned Jane

Jane just looks at Carlisle.

"Felix." Jane gestures to Bree

Felix moves to Bree. Esme can't hold back.

"She didn't know what she was doing." Esme stated

"The volturi don't give second chances." Jane stated

"Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to hear she's still human." Jane stated

Bella faces her, strong. Unflinching.

"The date is set." Bella stated

Jane looks to me, looking me up and down. Jasper steps in front of me

Jane titles her head in amusement

"Aro wants you, you know. He's never gonna stop until he has Delilah on his side. Her power's are unique. And are nothing like we've ever seen before." Jane stated

"Take care of her Felix, I'd like to go home." Jane stated turning to Felix

Meanwhile Felix, with his enormous strength, easily tears Bree limb from limb. Her screams quickly cease, though the metallic screeching sound continues.

"Thank you, Felix." Jane told him

"Until next time." Jane said to Me and Bella

The Cullen's can do nothing but stand by, grin-faced. Esme tries not to watch.

I turn to Jasper clinging to him as I saw Bree rip up body.

The next day, me and Jasper are back at our waterfall behind the water. I continue to read more poetry to Jasper.

"I will love you as long as the sun burns in the sky, as long as the moon shine its light into the dark night, until the raging blue oceans become calm and run dry. I will love you until the end of time." I quoted from Christy Ann Martine

Jasper smiles staring into my eyes as I continue reading more poetry. He stands up mid sentence making me furrow my eyebrows.

All if a sudden he got on one knee.

"Delilah Grace Hart. You have made my life so much better now you're in it. I can't see my life without you. I wanna be with you, all of you. You have done nothing but save my ass and my family. I couldn't ask for better partner. Will you marry me?" Jasper asked me as he pulled out a black velvet box with a cute but simple ring

I smile and nod

"Yes!" I shouted

Jasper smiles, removing the ring from the box. He takes my hand in his.

The sun beams through the water and we both sparkle.

It is against this beautiful, romantic backdrop that Jasper slips the ring onto my finger. Where it will stay for eternity.

He gets up from his knee and embraces me, wrapping his arm around my waist picking me up and spinning me.

We lean in and kiss his each other.

I couldn't believe I was engaged right now. It was a like dream come true.

I look at my right hand and look at the ring, it was so beautiful.

"It was my mother's." Jasper stated to me

I looked at him

"She gave to me before the civil war. She told me to give someone who means a lot to me. To girl I know I'll love forever. And that girl is you, Delilah." Jasper told me

"If I was human right now, I would sobbing right now." I chuckled

He chuckled

He stares at me and I stare back, in this moment wanted to freeze time.

We lean in and kiss his each other.

He pulls away and looks into my eyes

"I'm desperately in love with you."



Not gonna lie. I'm literally making up the plot as I write which isn't good but I do this all the time and I need to stop that.

What do you guys want to see between Delilah and Jasper?

Please don't be a silent reader!

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