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AFTER BELLA DROPPED ME OFF AT HOME. I dropped my book bag at the front door and kicked my shoes off going to the kitchen to see my mom preparing food.

After a moment of silence

"Hey, mom?"

She hummed in response

"Do you know the Cullen family?" I asked her

She looks up and turns to me

"Dad works with Dr Cullen." My Mom told me

"Oh okay." I told her

"Hey go take a shower. Dinner will be ready in a little bit, dad should be on his way home." Mom told softly as I nodded going upstairs to take my shower

The next day, me and bella drove to school and when I went to biology class my table was empty, no Jasper.

At lunch I'm sat with Jesica, Mike, Eric, Bella. I look over at the Cullen's table to see two empty seats. Jasper and Edward's seats.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I wash my hands, I then look up at the mirror, startled to find Rosalie and Alice behind me. They look to be studying me. Rosalia with soften eyes. And Alice with curiosity and a little of excitement. I smile at them and dry my hands and walk out of the bathroom.

The next day I'm walking towards Bella's house for her to take us both to school. I saw that her and her dad was outside talking

"Ice doesn't help the uncoordinated." Bella states

"Hey Bella!" I greeted

"Hey Mr swan."

Charlie looked up

"What did I say? Call me Charlie." Charlie told me

"You got it."

"Anyways that why I got you new tries." Charlie told Bella

She looks over at the truck. Yep, four new tries

"The others one were nearly bald." Charlie told his daughter

"Thanks dad." Bella told him


Charlie heads towards his cruiser

"I'll be late for dinner.. I'm heading down to mason county. A security guard at the Grisham mill got killed by some kind of animal..." Charlie told us

I titled my head

"An animal?" Bella questioned him

"You're not in phoenix any more, honey. They've hunting it for a week with no luck. Thought I'd lend a hand." Charlie told Bella

"Be careful." Me and Bella said in unison

"Always am." Charlie told us

"And thank you again. For the tries." Bella told him

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