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THE NEXT DAY IN THE HIGH SCHOOL, ME AND BELLA ENTER THE CAFETERIA PUSHING THE DOUBLE DOORS OPEN. I glance over at the Cullen table, Jasper with his siblings. He doesn't look at me. Anger and determination set in again as Me and Bella join Eric, Jessica. Mike and Angela. I drop my book bag on a seat

"La push, baby. You guys in?" Eric asked us

"Should we know what that means?" Bella asked him

"La push beach, down on the Quileute rez. We're all going after school. Big swell coming in." Mike told us

"And I don't just surf the internet." Eric commented

"Eric, you stood up once. On a foam board." Jessica told h I'm

"There's whale watching, too. Come with." Angela told us

"La push, baby."

"We'll go if you stop saying that." I told him

Suddenly Bella got up and went over to the salad bar. I saw that Edward also got up walking over towards the salad bar where Bella was at.

I wasn't really hungry so I decide to get up and go over towards the vending machine. I put in a dollar trying to get a bag of chips when my bag of chips got stuck in the machine

"Are you kidding me?" I scoff

All of a sudden someone hits the machine making my chips fall.

I looked up and saw Jasper

He bent down and grab my chips from the vending machine and handed them to me

"Thanks...to be honest your mood swings are giving me major whiplash." I told him

"I said it would be better if we weren't friends, not that I didn't want to be." Jasper told me

I rolled my eyes

"What does that even mean?" I asked him

"That you should really avoid me, Delilah." He told me sincerely

I could hear it his voice that he was serious

Jasper inadvertently glances at his five inhumanly beautiful siblings, who wait for him, expectantly, at their table.

She notes her own, very human friends monitoring this conversation from their table.

"So let's say, for argument's sake, I know exactly what's going on here.. would you talk to me? Tell me the truth?" I asked him

"Probably not. I'd rather hear your beautiful theories." Jasper told and I blushed slightly

"Okay... how 'bout radioactive spiders, aliens and Kryptonite?" I questioned

Leveling his gaze, challenging

"You're talking about superheroes. They save people.. what if I'm not a hero? What if I'm the bad guy?" Jasper head was down

I furrow my eyebrows at him

"No. I don't believe that. You're not bad. You're just in your own world. But it's like this... mask. To keep people away." I told him

He's taken aback by my honesty, my insight, drawn in by me.

"Looks, why don't we just hang out. Get to know each other. Come to the beach with us. It'll be fun. Sand fleas, wind burn, salt water stinging your eyes. The ocean." I told him

A small smile appears on his face, considering it.

"Which beach?"

"La push."

His smile lessens almost imperceptibly.

"Is something wrong with that beach?" I asked him

Jasper glances over at Mike. The two exchange cold looks.

"It's just a little coward...with people. Uh popular beach." Jasper tells

Jasper walks away leaving me in thought.


Short chapter just a little something before my Christmas break

I'll be out of town and with my family so I probably won't update as much

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