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WE WERE NOW AT THE HIGH SCHOOL, AND IT WAS NOW LUNCH TIME. Me and Jasper and Bella and Edward sat with Angel, Eric, Mike, and Jessica. Me and Jasper are on the end, slightly apart. Angela is busy addressing a pile of note card envelopes. Mike writes what's he saying on a legal pad.

"My fellow students. We are the future. Anything is possible if we just believe, blah, blah, blah." Mike says

He rips the page off, hands it to Jessica.

"Yeah, this will be my speech. If I want people to throw their diplomas at my head." Jessica told Mike

She crumples the paper and throws it at him letting it burning the face with a smile.

"Ya gotta embrace the clichés, Jess." Mike told her

"They are the bread and butter of all valedictorians." Eric told her

"This is why you're not valedictorian." Angela told Eric

"I chose to exit the political arena to spend more time with my family." Eric told her

"Hess doesn't need clichés. She's gonna be epic." I smiled

"Epic? It'll change lives." Jess says

Alice and Zane have abruptly appeared carrying trays of food they won't eat. As they sit

"I've decided to throw a party." Alice announced

"After all, how many time will we graduate high school?" Jasper sarcastically questioned

I giggled elbowing him in his side making him look down at me with a smirk

Edward stifles a smile

"A party? At your house?" Angela asked

"Who's. I've never seen your house." Jessica stated

"No one's ever seen their house." Eric stated

"Another party, Alice?" Edward asked

"It'll be fun." Alice told her

"Yeah, that's what you said last time." Bella stated

Suddenly Alice freezes, her eyes glazing over. She's having a vision. I close my eyes almost looking like I was falling asleep but I was reading Alice mind to see her exact vision.

"Well, cool, that's really uh...normal of you. What time?" Mike asked

Nothing from Alice

"Dress code?" Mike asked

Still nothing

"Bring anything? Cheetos?" Mike asked

Alice still looks into the distance. Awkward. Bella looks at Edward, concerned. Edward shrugs it off nothing to worry about.

Jasper looks at me and shakes me slightly to snap me out.

"Wake up, Alice." Edward told Alice

"She hasn't been getting much sleep lately. Senior jitters." Zane told them

They group nodded awkwardly

This sound weirdly fluent coming from Zane, but it serves to break the moment.

Jasper whispers in my ear and I jump up and look at him concerned.

Victoria was coming back and she was coming after Bella.

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