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MR. MOLINA AND A TOUR GUIDE LEAD SEVERAL DOZEN KIDS THROUGH THE GREENHOUSE. While I kept an eye on Jasper, Bella kept an eye on Edward who's up ahead with Edward, Jasper, Zane, and Alice. Mr. Molina demonstrates the compost machine as the students mess around.

Me and Bella walked together.

"So? Edward, huh?" I teased her

"So? Jasper, huh?" Bella teased me with a smile

"Whatever." I laughed

"Cmon, Eric, stuff that compost down deep...that's it..." Mr Molina told Dric as the machine gurgles and spins

"Now Tyler, take a big steaming cup of "compost tea." This is recycling at its most basic level—hey, don't drink that!" Mr Molina stoped the kids from drinking the compost tea

When Bella sees Edward pause by an accent staghorn fern, alone. She takes a breath for courage and strives up to him giving me a signal to go Jasper who is look at the plants and flowers

I walk up to him and looked at the flowers he was looking at

"These are Dahlia's." Jasper told me looking at me

I looked at them, they were beautiful

"Beautiful, huh?" Jasper questioned


"Dahlia pinnate is the national flower of Mexico because the plant was first recorded in the country in 1615." Jasper told me in his thick southern accent that made my knees weak.



A long pause was sat between us

"How did you get to me so fast." I asked him

"Adrenaline rush. Very common. Google it." Jasper told me

I scoff and turn to storm off but I almost trip over my feet but Jasper grabs me by the waist and catches me. I look him in the eyes and he looks back at me

"Please, be careful." He told me in his southern accent again

I blushed slightly

"Look I know I've been on and off with you. But it's for the best Delilah." Jasper told me

I looked at him like he's crazy. He walks away as Bella and Jessica suddenly rushes up to me.

"Guess who just asked me to prom!" Jessica asked us

Bella smiled

"I totally thought Mike was going to ask you, Delilah. It is gonna be weird?" Jessica asked me

"No way. Zero weirdness. You guys are great together." I told her not really paying attention as I looked around for Jasper

"I know, right."

Giddy, Jessica rushed to catch up with Angela. Me and Bella heads out to the door that leads to where everyone's looking at the compost "worm box" grossing each other out with the slimy creatures. As me and Bella back away. Jasper and Edward steps up.

Jasper places his hand on my lower back guiding me away from Edward and Bella

"Jasper!" I told him

"Delilah, I think it would be better if we weren't friends." Jasper tells

"Now you tell me? You could have let the van crush me, kill me even, save yourself all this regret." I told him

"Don't say things like that! You think I regret saving you?" Jasper snaps angrily

"I know you do, you hate my guts and everything about me." I snapped back

"You don't know anything, Delilah. So stop trying to figure me out." Jasper told me calmly but harshly

His harshness stings me a bit. Suddenly, Alice and Zane appears at jasper's side. She eyes me with curiosity and happiness.

Edward and Bella approaches us

"The bus is leaving. Hi. Will you two be riding with us?" Alice asked us

"No. Our bus is full." Edward tells her

He purposefully walks Alice away. But Jasper glanced back at me with, is that remorse?

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